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Mysterious Disease in Northridge

At the same exact time that WestCorp had heated up thier efforts to repo my car both I and Ms. Kennedy suffered from unexplained symptoms which we reported to our doctors and authorities who did little to help alleviate the problem.

We discovered while watching a report on television news that others had similar symptoms as well. When the reporter announced the geograghical area the "Mysterious Disease" was being reported from, the hope that credence and help might come soon.

As of this date, more than 10 years later, the symptoms have become life threatening. Ms Kennedy has been diagnosed with cancer and a astrocytoma tumor was removed from her brain. My symptoms are consistent with those of Morgellons, The Fiber Disease, which has been reported by several thousands to the CDC yet they have not recognized it as a disease or investigated it as such. More info at Morgellons Disease Research.

Archived information regarding Morgellons and hair loss. FACT SHEET

The only surviving document available to the public regarding the Northridge Hairloss issue, as it was titled by the L.A. Dept of Health, is now on this page. Why was locating ANYTHING that referenced this event so impossible? It's not like it didn't happen. It was first reported by a small group of neighborhood citizens who experienced several strange and varied symptoms. In an effort to investigate their maladies some went door-to-door asking others in the neighborhood if they too had experienced similar problems. Once discovered that others in the area had also similar conditions, civil leaders, health officials, and the media were notified. Area telvision news covered the story. By the time the Department of Health Services had finished their investigation thousands of persons in the San Fernando Valley had reported their experiences to health officials. The investigation had found that of all the varied symptoms reported only one was predominently common amongst those who reported symptoms, hair loss. I have asked the Department of Health Services (DHS) if the final investigation report was available. I was declined. In 2002 again I tried to obtain anything that referenced the "Northridge Hair Loss" or "Mysterious Disease" in Northridge and was finally able to obtain a letter from Department of Health Services Berkley to Philip Jacobs Toxic Epidemiology Program Los Angeles outlining causes for hair loss and referencing the "Mysterious" problem while even mentioning the fact that television news had reported it.

I was told by the health official that sent this to me that it was scheduled to be taken out of file within days.

Visitors Since January 1, 2007


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