Who was this child called JESUS that people began
a new belief in GOD , THE ALMIGHTY? JESUS
to many , is believed to be the Son of God .
How can this be possible when we look at the
creation of GOD ? GOD said that man was
formed from the Dust of the Ground. GOD
himself claims in HIS WORD , HE created
man , being witnessed by men .
So who is this JESUS ? If we look at the science
of our times the procedure that takes place for
human beings to be born , we find that it takes a
Man and a Woman's living organs to create life .
Now we will speak of Jesus...it was written as the WORD says...HIS mother was never sexually involved with man but was a young virgin . Then how was it that Jesus , without being conceived of HIS known father Joseph , was to be born? The answer lies within the very SPIRIT of GOD'S WORD , passed
down through HIS SPIRIT , since the beginning of
HIS creation of heaven , earth , man , woman and child !
God is a Spirit , HIS word is also of Spirit . In finding
this mystery , we understand how it was that God
created HIS son . The SPIRIT Word tells us , in the
beginning was the WORD , the WORD was with
GOD and the WORD was GOD . GOD , the
ETERNAL ALMIGHTY everlasting who
indeed had no beginning , found of a
Handmaiden that was to be pure in
bringing forth HIS SON into this world .
GOD's WORD... when spoken... is true in its'destiny .
Its'the seed of life as all things were
created by HIS WORD .
Understand this...at the time of Mary , the Word tells
us the Holy Ghost overshadowed woman as
GOD'S SPIRIT moved as in the beginning .
God then with the power that HE alone
possesses over the laws of creation ,
SPOKE the WORD flesh not formed
of dust the being of HIS son in the
womb of a virgin's time to conceive
a child in the law of creation's time .
Updated November 23 ,1997
Baby was Born in the world after nine months from the
womb of his virgin mother . Love , she gave this child
like any other born before him . Hungry , he would
cry as she fed him from her breast , mothering in
all cares that mothers give . This baby born of
her what was he to be , thoughts in her mind
of all the events happening around her ,
before and after his birth .
Jesus was not concieved the way she was taught of
man and woman , neither did she feel the baby leap
in her womb from the HOLY GHOST , when hearing
the words of GOD as Elizabeth felt from her baby.
The spoken WORD of GOD created flesh as body
in likeness as all other children born in the world
from woman . In this world he cried , hungry he ate
while in thirst he drank , yet being part of GOD he
felt , compassion , anger , pain and death in his
spirit that brought life to the bodied shell .
As a carpenter's son Jesus was taken care of by
a man thought to be his father . Learning the
carpenters trade Jesus was good in what he
did , yet his thoughts were on the Father he
knew that created him , for he WAS , the
WORD , of GOD from the beginning .
Learning all that he was taught in man and
GOD He grew in his spirit becoming strong
in wisdom while the SPIRIT of GOD
overshadowed his life . Increasing more
in wisdom and character Jesus grew
into a man having respect of man
and GOD , yet not all men .
Men in their time of Authority , teachers intrusted
the Word of GOD , in ages past from Moses .
Jesus the Son of Man would be judged and rejected
in many works HE performed , as elders , chief
priests and scribes leading people
performing their work from GOD .
November 24 , 1997