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Hello! In the real world, my name is William. I am 40 years old, my hair is brown in color, short on top, just over shoulder length in the back and very curly. I have hazel eyes and I wear eye glasses.

I am currently working towards my Certified Management Accountant's (CMA) designation. I have successfully completed four years of studies at the College of New Caledonia, the local community college. I graduated with a double business major. The first in Accounting and Finance, graduating with a 3.74 GPA and the second in Management and Marketing, graduating with a 3.48 GPA. This semester I have transfered to The University of Northern British Columbia, where I hope to obtain a degree in commerce, majoring in accounting. I have spent 12 months of my time in school in a co-op position, working for the Provincial Government, as a Revenue Accountant with the Ministry of Forests. (See attached Resume.)

sir_ugly got their NeoPet at

When I am not at work or studying I can usually be found relaxing in the Pub at Sleeping Beauty's Castle, lounging in the Tavern at Fantassia's or hiding out on the beach at DireChat. I have also been known to spend time searching Head Hunters and Job Banks, to ensure that my education is still on target to meet market demand for a career when my education is finished.

I seperated from my wife in September of 97, became officially divorced in February of 1999,and have sole custody of our 16 year old daughter named Shawna. She is currently in her third year of high school. My daughter enjoys singing and has been taking vocal lessons for the past three and a half years. This past Spring, she competed in the local Music Festival and received a Medal for her performance, adding to the two she won the year before. *VERY PROUD SMILE*

During the winter months her and I attend every home game of the Prince George Spruce Kings, the local Tier II Junior A Hockey Club. We have had season tickets for the past four seasons and are now enjoying the games for the current season.
Click to Listen to Spruce King Hockey Live!
Click on the Spruce Kings Logo, to follow the Prince George Spruce Kings on the ROAD.
Click on Thumbnail, to see full image in a new browser.
The Hanson Brothers have nothing on this trio.
In the summer months we can usually be found out on a lake, relaxing with a fishing rod in hand!

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