Title: "The Amazing One" Author: DaGreatOne2k ______________________________________ My name is Kane I feel no pain I play with flames people say I'm the one to blame But women play me like a game I know it's a shame I am from hell I had a secret but my father had to tell If ya dont like me feel my wrath Or I'll be like the brood and give you a bloodbath And no one can follow in my path Of destruction And if they do in the end they we need contruction People say I am The Big Red Machine Yea that's tru cuz I am mean I had a team But he filled me with steam So I kicked his ass And I took him to class And threw him into glass. Yea I am Kane And like I said I feel no pain. ______________________________________ The Unofficial Kane Site http://www.kane2000.cjb.net Hit the backspace key to go back