My Bucket List

My Bucket List

By Lou Padgug

In the film “The Bucket List”, two terminally ill characters played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman decide to go on a road trip to see and experience things before they kick the bucket. Some of the items on their list are seeing the Taj Mahal, racing cars, climbing the Great Pyramid and sky diving.

I started my Bucket List many years ago. I’ve probably seen or done over a hundred items on the list since then but I also keep adding to the list. After all, what would I do after I completed the list? Maybe I'd rest but I kind of like the line written by Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora: “Until I'm 6 feet under baby I don't need a bed, gonna live while I'm alive, I'll sleep when I'm dead”.

My list includes over 50 places left to see in the U.S. alone and also includes some goals. Here are my top things to see and do in no particular order before I kick the bucket:

Drive the entire Lincoln Highway Between Times Square, New York City and Lincoln Park, San Francisco.

Attend a Major League Baseball World Series game, preferably with the San Francisco Giants.

Attend either a Summer or Winter Olympics.

Attend a World's Fair.

Bowl a perfect 300 game in a USBC-sanctioned league. I stopped bowling for 17 years because of my back problems and in my second year after starting league bowling again, I bowled my highest game of 259 (missed a 300 by 2 strikes). My dad bowled a 300 game when he was 70 so I figure there's still a chance for me to do it.

Take a space flight when they are finally offered to us common folks. I'll have to hit the lottery before I could afford it plus the waiting list will be a mile long. Oh can dream!

Major items on my Bucket List that I've checked off:

Witness a total solar eclipse.

Drive the entire Route 66 between Chicago, Illinois and Santa Monica, California.

Summit Mount St. Helens in Washington and Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, California

Visit all 50 U.S. states.

Tour all 50 U.S. state capitol buildings

Visit 100 foreign countries, territories, kingdoms, etc. and join the Traveler's Century Club.

Attend a Super Bowl game.

Visit the observation deck of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world located in Dubai, U.A.E.

Visit the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.

Visit Pompeii.

Donate 30 gallons (240 donations) of blood/blood plasma.

"In My Life" The Beatles

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