Look at my drawings because I'm so damn vain.

An abstract pencil drawing of my hand

A colored drawing of Milhouse playing BoneStorm

Riding on the bus to visit Adrian, I thought this sunset would make a nice painting

The cover of my Misfits Collection II tape (another pencil drawing)

Pencil-drawn flowers I drew in art class

A slightly colored pencil drawing of a cartoony fish...done on really bad sketching paper

A cartoon kitty

A drawing of a clay figurine that I sculpted (drawn with charcoal)

The back of my french scribbler...I get bored in school :)

A chalk pastel drawing of a fruit bowl...how original eh?

An ink drawing of cartoon me

It was supposed to be a wolf but it looks more like a husky (pencil drawing)

A few sketches of my hamster Milhouse (Millykins)

A pencil drawing of some creepy death dude

Some crazy drawing I'm working on for art class

A badly scanned pencil drawing of my cat Casper

An abtract ink drawing of my friend Heather's hand

A pencil sketch type thing of a lioness and her cub

Some wierd looking lemur thingie

I drew this cat with chalk and then played around with it in Photo Editor

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