So you want one of my awards?

Ok, well... three simple rules:
1) No porn/racism/sexism/ignorancy of that kind
2) Please sign my guestbook - I do check :)
3) I have to like yer page

Wierd Looking Duck Goose Thing

Boy With Bunny Ears Sitting On The Toilet Playing An Accordian

And your name is?

Whats yer email?


Whats the title?

If you had a giant octopuss, would you name it Hans?

No? Well then what would you name it?

Do I frighten you?

Do you want me to?

Are these questions bugging you?

If I stop, will you send me money?

Did ya sign my guestbook yet?

Which award do you want?

Ok, well why do you want this award anyways?

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:: I've had enough, take me home ::