These are my friends from home that I can usually see on a regular basis. Woop.

Leah - Leah Leah Leah! Leah is my wifey so of course I love her. I've known Leah probably since about grade 10 or so. She's hilarious .. who else would give me a Bobblehead Jesus for me birthday? I don't see Leah as often as I'd like, but hopefully that will change soon! I love you wifey!

Becky - Becky is my stepsister and has been my best friend for years. We knew each other a long time ago when we were Brownies together. Beckums kicks ass! She's all fun and perky and stuff. She works the corner (store) and it gives me something to do when I'm downtown. I miss Beckums, but I get to see her everytime I go home.

Silo - Shawnie is one of the most important people in my life. I definitely don't get to see him as often as I'd like. We've had so many ridiculously fun times, it's all been a blast. Thanks for you being you, my dear.

Kyle - Kyle is nuts. If he was any other way, he just wouldn't be Kyle. He enjoys dancing in the Dairy Queen, pie, running around cottages wearing only a towel and embarrassing people in crowded fast food restaurants. He's absolutely hilarious. He's the singer for The New Romantics and he's supa-fly

Josh - Joshee is Kyle's brother and pretty much the opposite personality wise. Josh is quiet and stuff but when he does say things, he's hilarious. He's so much fun to drive around with cuz he does silly things like sticking his whole leg out that window. Now that takes skill. Everyone loves Josheewa too because he's so nice. He doesn't enjoy being poked.

Matt - Matt rocks. He's definitely one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet, he's funny and he's fun to dance with. *homepage dance* Actually the homepage dance doesn't exist but it will soon enough. Matt plays guitar for the band that doesn't have a name yet. Huzzah! He says agreed alot, just like me. I think I did that to him. I love you Fake Steady Boyfriend!

Megan - I've known Megan since I was in grade primary. She's so funny, I love it. She always chuckles and it makes me laugh. We've many a good time, with the whole Ben Ward, Adventures of Angus and Torc and the rest of grade 10 math class. She has the best little car ever, only because of the David Hasslehoff air freshener and the Stealth Mode button. Heheh.

Heather MacDaddy - I've known Heather since grade 7, but didn't become friends with her until grade 9. She has the almighty laugh, it's hilarious. Stalking people is fun with Heather because we have the same taste in stalkees. Weehaw. And vinegar DOESN'T rot!! :)

Eileen - I've known Eileen since grade primary too. We used to hang out alllllll the time back in the day, ah the original Ross St posse. Neen always had the most awesome pool parties for her birthday when she was little, even though I almost drowned once. Oh well, too bad. Eileen rules.

Crystal - Another friend since grade primary. She was involved in the shanty break in during the filming of the Mary Ellen Spook Project (to be out in theatres in the near future hehe). 7 hours of hiking through the middle of nowhere was not my idea of a fun weekend, but hey, the video is hilarious. I hate the sight of power lines now, eh Crys? hehehe.

John Martin - John Martin enjoys making raps about me and singing me love songs during chem. He's a interesting fellow. He's going to pursue his dream of wotah-colah painting because I know he loves it so much. He also loves Degrassi as much as I do and thinks mullets are hilarious. Even though he drives me nuts sometimes, John is an awesome friend...and he looks damn hot in pleather! haahaha John!

Shaun - I met Shaun at Valleypalooza in 1999 and then saw him again at Summersault 2000, and now that we live in the same town, I get to see him more. Shaun is koolio! He lives in a very nice apartment with a kitty and I like the kitty and the kitty smiled at me. If he didn't live up on the stupid hill, I would visit him ALOT more.

Heather - I hardly ever see Heather anymore, but she's still one of my good friends. We've been through alot together...field talks, Crotchie McGee, the apple on a stick hehe. She rules at writing funny poems and such. My Ode To Lisa rocks. I love it. buntata's sgadain an nochd an rithist! :) I love you baby!

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