My name is Lisa Marie Melanson. I go by Lisa and sometimes Mips because people tend to call me that. Some people call me Lees but those are just lazy people who can't take the time to add the "ah" to the end of my name. Oh, and then there's the whole "Stan" thing but I don't think we want to get into that.

I was born on December 19, 1982 and raised in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. That's in Canada for those of you who are geographically challenged. What a horrible little town. I finally got out.

I currently attend Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. I'm in the BA program (Bachelor of Arts) with a major in English and a minor in Sociology. Yeehaw for me.

During the school year, I live on campus in War Memorial House. I love it there, it's great. During the summers, I become a hobo. It's great, I even have my very own shopping cart. Sometimes I sleep in it.

I'm about 5'4" and I weigh about 105lbs. I'm small. I have light brownish hair that tends to change color frequently (it's been purple, blue, pink, bright red, black and various shades of brown and red - now its boring brown again) and I have dark green eyes. I also have glasses, 4 piercings (earlobes, nostril and an industrial in my left ear) and two tattoos.

I don't watch a whole lot of TV. The only show that I really have to watch is The Simpsons. I'm an addict, I admit it.

While I'm on the subject of TV, I should also mention my favorite movies are The Shining, Moulin Rouge and Bowling For Columbine. My favorite genre of movies are horror movies - not the stupid cheesy bloody ones, the ones that are actually scary and suspensful.

When it comes to music, I like punk. Punk rocks my socks. I like some heavier stuff and some emo stuff too. My favorite bands would be old Misfits, Dead Kennedys, Bucket Truck, Fifteen, Alkaline Trio, Jimmy Eat World, Dashboard Confessional, GuiltTRIP, Burnt Black, pre-Nimrod Green Day, Bravura, NoFX, Descendents, Weezer, Get Up Kids, Pennywise, Grace Babies, Finch, The Sex Pistols, Gob, Grinspoon, Rancid, Finger Eleven, The Living End and a whole bunch more I can't think of. My favorite song ever is Bikeage by the Descendents. It makes me think of some old friends of mine. Another song that I absolutely adore is Stolen Life by. Fifteen. It's fuckin' awesome. My favorite song at the moment is Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World. It makes me think of my daddy and that's why I love it so much.

One of my favorite things to do is to go to concerts. Preferrably out of town concerts because road trips rock. I absolutely love live music. I'm going to be deaf by the time I'm 30, but it'll be worth it.

Another one of my favorite things to do is draw. Actually, anything to with art rules. I love to draw and make things out of clay. It gives me something to do and it's just fun.

I've been a big Titanic freak since I was about 10 years old, way before the stupid movie. Actually, the movie was okay. Except for the whole "Oh Jack, I love you, please teach me how to spit and then draw me naked" crap in the first half. I like the historic parts. Damn Hollywood.

Yay for socks and yay for pants. \m/

I have a kazoo and I adore it. It cost me $1.99 and it's orange. Wanna see it? Click here.

I'm quiet and shy. I don't say much, but when I do it's usually something sarcastic or something stupid. I try not to say much. Some people say I'm hilarious. I'm not sure how accurate that is. I have, however, done the whole "made someone laugh so hard that [enter liquid here] came out of their nose". That was my shining moment.

I want to be an author when I'm older. I want to write and illustrate children's books. I really like photography too. Maybe if the writing thing doesn't work out I'll become a photographer. I need a better camera though.

I absolutely adore filling out those email survey things. If you want me to love you forever, send me a whole bunch of those. Here's a really long one that I uploaded.

Depending on my living situation, sometimes I'm online constantly or I'm never on. Either way, I have ICQ (3054177) and MSN Messenger. I use ICQ more to talk, MSN is basically just to check whether or not I have email.

I have an online journal type thingie. Hopefully I can do a good job of keeping it up to date.

Here are some more pictures. To go back, click here