Some of these are so old, I don't even know why you're looking at them! Come to think of it, I don't even know why I still have them up. Oh well, enjoy!

Bucket Truck Show in Truro (May) 2000
Jud, me and Matt
Matt letting Kyle sing (taken at a kool angle)
Jud looking scary
A close up of Leah, me and Becky
Mike Rizkalla, Becky, Joey, Josh, Kyle, Adrian and me in the front looking wierd
Matt singing and looking at the ceiling
Jud, me hugging him, Becky being strangled by Matt. We all love each other
Mike Rizkalla, Matt, Mike Rowe and Jud's arm
Adrian, Kyle, me, Joey, Josh and Leah in Pizza Delight
Mike Stewart and Jud
Kyle, Adrian, Joey, Josh, me, Leah and Becky in Pizza Delight again

Bucket Truck Show in Halifax (April) 2000
Mike Rizkalla, Matt and Mike Rowe
Jarv, Scott, Fay, Becky, Matt and me
Matt singing on um..a speaker I'm guessing
Matt (my friend Matt) and Chris singing Mean Machine
Kyle, Becky, Joey, Freeman and Josh
Mike and Jud
Matt hanging from the rafters
Mike Rizkalla, Matt and Chris
Matt letting Kyle sing part of Magically Delicious

Leah's Spring Break (February) 2000
Kyle, Becky and me all squished into the front seat of Leah's van
Me pretending to be a kickass bass player...and Matt
Becky, me, Leah, Matt, Joey and other Matt down in the front
Becky, me and Leah
Kyle wearing some sort of mat diaper? I dunno..hehe
Matt, me, Becky, Leah, Joey and Kyle

Semi Formal (February) 2000
Josh, Natalie, Fay, Joey, Kyle and Becky
Me and Kristen
Joey and Kyle looking quite dapper
Becky! Stop molesting Snow White!!
Becky and Andrew in his kilt
Me looking unusually perky
Kyle, Natalie, Kristen, Fay and Joey in the back

East Coast Unauthorized (February) 2000
Kyle, Natalie, Kristen, Becky and Joey
Joey, me, Kyle, Becky and Natalie
Group hug!
We've driven Kristen to the nut house ;)
Me, Scootah, and Natalie
Natalie, Becky, Me and Kristen in the back
Me and Natalie modelling my wonderful new clothes :P
Kyle giving the old lady a muffin on her birthday
Another picture of Guilttrip

Birthday Week (December) 1999
Tim, Eileen, Crystal, Megan and Heather at Pizza Delight
Kristen, Kyle, Josh, Becky and Shawn in my room
Me and Shawn
Megan, Jon and Crystal in Wongs
Megan eating the water and Jon
Kyle and Kristen
Joey wearing antlers and looking like a geek as usual :)

Diesel Boy show in Glace Bay (November) 1999
Becky, Joey, Nikole, Kristen, Josh and me looking like a retard
Kristen the kitty kat and me ....mrrrOWR :)
John, Joey, Kristen and Kyle
Josh, Kyle, Joey and Becky...and the I HEART DIESEL BOY tshirt
John and Kristen...and some idiot in the background

Gobblefest'99 (October)
Matt, Kyle, Becky, Joey, me, Shawn (who you can barely see) and Josh
Matt (from Bucket Truck) letting Kyle sing "Kyle's Day Out"
Jud is setting Chris on fire with his eyes :)
Matt and Jud (and Chris's back)
Chris, Matt and Jud
Matt, Jud and Mike Rizkalla
Mike Stewart and Chris

Valleypalooza 5 (July) 1999
Becky groping me
Trev (from Hung Up) and Jud (from Bucket Truck)
Crazy Stick Man and the quart of vodka he found on the ground
Me, Gavin (on the car), Kyle and Becky
Me, Gavin and Becky's hand
Brian from Burnt Black and Leah
Becky, Meg, Leah, Alex and me
Shaun, James, Freeman and me
James and Andrew um...doing wierd stuff
The chicks from SOL, Leah and me
Kyle and the "101 Ways To Make Love Without Doin' It" pamphlet
Leah, James, Chris, Silo, Freeman, Shaun, Kyle and Andrew in the front
Becky was instructing me and Silo on how to build a beer bottle tower but Freeman got in the way