
I've shortened this page a little...I still have ALL my pictures though, so if you'd like to look at my old ones, go here. The more new pictures I get, the more the older ones get removed from this page and onto the "old pictures" page. Enjoy!

Apple Blossom Festival pictures (May 30 - June 1) 2003
Carrie getting ready for the buckets of jello shooters
Here's Carrie and I at the campus bar ... note the girl booty-dancing in the background
Me giving the thumbs up to the duck with the fro
Me basking in the glory that is the Annapolis Valley
Here I am, rockin' out with the creepiest statue ever
I'm awfully happy to be 20 years old!
Oh goodness! I've discovered the Annapolis Valley!
Carrie, looking off the Look-Off
I also enjoy looking off that particular Look-Off
Me getting over my fear of siamese cats .. eep!
Carrie apparently enjoys wiggling her bum at the Valley
Here I am, saying "yeah rock on woo!"
Me and my favorite little buddy ever!
Carrie and I are vegetables! I'm awfully happy to be that mystery orange one

Random 2002-2003 pictures (I know .. I'm losing my picture-takin' touch!)
Carrie and I sometime in September
Kylie, me, Carrie, Caitlin, and Nikki after our tin man stealing adventure
Me snuggling up with all the stolen tin men .. awww
Aaron, Carrie, and Clint on formal night ... Carrie's hussyin' it up!
Me and Josheepoo on formal night
Heather, Megan, Crystal, Eileen, Dawn and me around Christmas time
Me and Carrie, on one of our many nights of extreme intoxication
This was taken on "Stan Day" .. that's me with five bags of chips and a litre and a half of champagne. I'm awesome.
Here's Carrie after spilling her drink on herself ... honestly, she spilled her drink, really..
This is what happens when I go to Sobey's
Ah a typical night of ass-grabbage in Subway
I really have no idea what Carrie and I are doing here .. either yawning or giggling or both

Random residence pictures (September - December) 2001
Caitlin, Dan and Josheepoo on the inflatable couch
Dan yelling at some guys from a 9th floor window in Tower
It's Bob the wonderful 3rd West spider!
Caitlin and Laura admiring Bob
Caitlin, Laura and Joseph chillin' on my bed
Caitlin and Shannon modelling the grand paper snowflake...hehehe
Hahaha this is when Craig was beating up Caitlin...
Laura and Caitlin are showing off their same-color-opposite-ends outfits

Grad Week! (June 22-27) 2001
Heather, John Martin, Crystal, Megan, me and Eileen at the Firehall Dance thingie
Eileen, Heather, Dawn, Chad and Megan at Safegrad
Me and Adrian in my backyard before the prom
Me and Matt doing a Prom Dance
Heather, me and Eileen looking all purty :)
The boys (Matt, Ian and Kyle) lookin' all spiffed up
Heather, John and Crystal. Love the glasses :)
Me, Becky and Kyle right after the grad ceremony
Eileen, me, Heather and Dawn at the grad party
Me and John Martin huggling. Hehe.
Me, Eileen and Leanne
..And last but not least, me and Terry Ray

French Class Trip (March) 2001
Everyone! YEA! Try to find me.
Jessica, John, Leanne, Crystal, Mark, Angie, Heather, me, Megan, Felix and Jason ...we're excited!
Megan, Heather, Crystal, John and Eileen
Too many people to try and name off!
Aww...Heather's stupid! hehe
Me and Tim
Me and Kevin that looked like my friend Matt (he doesn't in the picture tho)
Half of the Antigonish crew
John gettin' all the ladies right after our lip sync practice

Semi Formal (February) 2001
Me and Adrian looking all cute and pretty
Another one of me and Adrian, at my house
Crystal and I on the bench
Melissa, Joey, Sheena, Kyle and Adrian
Me and Christy
Me and Shane...I really need to learn how to smile for pictures
Me and...who's that hiding behind me? Oh its Matt! Yay!
Me, Nick the janitor and Megan. This has become a formal dance tradition :P

Bucket Truck Show in Halifax (October) 2000
Matt and I, we have purty hair
Jud and I looking happy
Mike Stewart and I
Adrian and I in Leah's jeep...awwwww
Woo look at Mike fly
Leah, Mike Rizkalla and I ...the picture is insanely bright and we have no faces

Summersault (August) 2000
Just a small portion of the 26 000 people that were there
Finger Eleven! Wee!
Me modelling, or something
Scott Anderson from Finger Eleven, and me
Joey, Dancer, John and Kyle
Me and Leah
The BackSeat Boys (Matt, Josh and Kyle)
Leah, Joey, Kyle, Matt and Mike
Josh, me and Kyle in the back

Prom (June) 2000
Josh and I before the prom
Melissa, Joey, me, Josh, Becky and Adrian
Becky, Leah and me looking extremely ghost-like
Josh, me and Adrian
Me, Megan and good ol' Nick the janitor
Me and Crystal posing all pretty-like
Me and Leah