Public Opinion

Question: What do you think about Zombie Pig Retard?
"I think it's dandy."-Brooke Type Person
"I like ZPR...... I like what you are doing wth it...are you upset with me?"-Margarette
"I don't know"-Jason
"Its good, a new beginning(the new name) almost to get more helpless vicims to enjoy it.... and it offends Ian all at the same time. It's 'cool'"-Dylan Coyle
" Well I think its funny."-Kristin

Question, starting 3.24.1998: What do you think of Dye Noir Die?
"I dont like's not fun"-David
"Hmmmm one word comes to mind. . . Racism....and bigotry(the moron used two words)" ((So you like it?)) "No."-Jason

DND: "I don't understand why people think it's racist."-DJ Rappy
