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Sweet Angel -=*Chapter 10*=-

Everyone went back to the campsite, except for Nick. He fell asleep on the hospital bench. There was nothing for him back at the campsite, so he stayed. The doctor recognized him, and pitied him, so he let Nick go in the Intensive Care and sit with Angel. She looked peaceful, as though nothing had happened to her, and she was just sleeping. "Angel", he whispered, grasping her hand. "Listen..." He had read somewhere that if you talk to someone who won't wake up, you could help them awaken by being there for them. Perhaps, in there somewhere, she was awake - you just couldn't see it. Maybe she could hear Nick speaking. That was his goal - to make her hear him and make her believe that she has a lot to come back to. "You are laying in Intensive Care after someone tried to kill you. You're still alive, but the person got to you the first time, and they might come back to finish the job. Don't let yourself be vulnerable to this person. Stay in the light of day; don't go and walk in the shadow of death. If you die, we'll all die, too. We'll die because your love has died, and your love is apart of us. Don't die, Angel..." Nothing changed. She was still laying before him, not moving. This is just a dream, Nick thought. Just another nightmare. But even in his dream, he couldn't stand seeing Angel dying. "Angel, listen. We're all dying without you. We don't know what to do. Your family's here. Your parents - think of what this is doing to them, seeing their daughter dying. Francois is leaning on Brian for comfort; in fact, they lean on each other. Brian loves you too, you know. We all do. And think of LJ..." At the mention of his name, Angel's eyelids twitched, but remained closed. Even so, LJ could be the key to Angel's survival. "Angel... think of LJ, your little brother. He's worse off than us all. How can he go on without his guardian angel by his side? I'm talking about you, Angel. You are his guardian angel. You'll kill him if you die. You've helped him anytime you could. Help him now." She was still unmoved. Nick couldn't stand it. He cried - he had to. He cried for himself and Justin because they'd had so little time to love her so much. He cried for everyone else because they loved her too, and her death would affect so many people. He cried for Angel, because she'd lived such a beautiful life, and it could all come to a halt any minute. Most of all, he cried for her family, especially LJ. Nick was weak as he sobbed. He held Angel's hand to his face, wetting it with his tears. He kissed it, cherishing this moment before it could be over. He couldn't speak right then - he was drowning deep in sorrow. He couldn't stand it anymore; the pain in his heart was unbearable. He didn't want to let go. "I don't want to say goodbye, Angel..." But he had to, or he'd never be able to leave the room, even if she did die. He stood and kissed her forehead, a sign of goodbye. For the next moment on, he was in a dream. It was all unreal. Tonight, he was dreaming about heaven, because as he reached the door, he heard a desperate yelp behind him. He turned around to see Angel squirming in bed, obviously in pain, but alive and awake. He ran to her and embraced her. He was cried out, so he couldn't cry anymore. Angel spoke, her voice quivering. "Yes..." Nick didn't understand, and Angel could see that. "You asked me... back at the cliff...if I loved you...well yes...I do Nick.." He smiled, but it was almost faked. Of course he still loved her, but something had changed him. He couldn't feel sweet emotions right then. "Shh, don't waste your energy Angel, my love. We have to get you outta here. You ready?" Angel considered this a minute. Of course she wanted out...but how? She asked him this, and he said, "We'll use the good ol' 'fake' corpse plan that's always used on TV." And it worked - Angel didn't look all that alive, so she could pass off as a fresh corpse. He covered her as though she was dead, and it worked. They were out of the hospital and in the car with no problem. *** At the campsite *** Everyone came rushing when they saw Angel come in. She was in a wheelchair (which they had stolen from the hospital - whats one missing wheelchair to them?) but she was happy to be surrounded by all of her loved ones. All, except...LJ. "Where's LJ?" She asked. Nick looked around. "And Aaron?" Brian responded from his comfy seat next to Francois. "They were in their tents ten minutes ago, so I imagine they're still there." Angel's intuition kicked in. Something's wrong, she thought. Very wrong. Her intuition was right. They found a mess in the tents, but both boys were gone. Angel fell out of the wheelchair and groped around her brother's tent and found a note. "Got you in check, Sweet Angel. I will always be better than you, and you will die at my hands. By the way, where are the little boys?" Nick thought he couldn't feel any emotions anymore, but he did then. Boy, did he feel some scary emotions right then. Aaron...where are you...he thought. Then he lost emotion again. He comforted himself by using his dream excuse. This is all a dream. Nothing's real. Aaron's at home in Florida, sleeping in my room because he had a nightmare. We're both sleeping. Everything's fine. Nothing's wrong.
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
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