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~*~Le Grand Finale~*~

The river below was beautiful. The black rocks jutted out here and there through the white waters. But Angel didn't want to be splattered in it. The moment she felt a push, her grip on the rail tightened. It was really hard (like on a difficulty scale of 1-10, it'd be a 9.8) to keep her grip secure, but she did it. It was an uncomfortable position with her hands opposite the way they just were: the backs facing inward and hanging from the bar and her back was on the railing facing the...killer. They spoke. "Damn it!! You lucky b*tch!!" Lucky? she thought. Hardly. B*tch? Maybe. "You b*tch!! You're suppposed to be flowing down the river by now! B*TCH!!!" A pause from the female voice. "Oh well." Angel heard a gun's safety go off. "You soon will be down the river, plus a bullet in your brain." Now was a good time to talk. "WAIT!! If people find me with a bullet in my head, they'll see murder and it will eventually lead to you!!" Another pause. "Good point." The safety of the gun made a small click, as though it had been replaced. Angel breathed a sigh of relief, until she heard another, different click. Damn. Switchblade maybe? "I guess I'll just cut your hands up until you let go. I'll cut them off if I have to, but I'll do as little as possible to arouse as little suspicion as possible. But then again, by the time they find you, you'll be more than cut up." Damn. might as well have let her shoot me. A burning pain across her right fingers; the lady had swiped at her hand. The same pain in her left hand. Angel screamed in pain and fear, but held tight. Another slash on the back of her left wrist. "Come on, let go already, I haven't got all day." Something clicked in Angel's mind; DAMN IT! How could I have been so stupid?! It was right there in my face the whole time...but before she could say anything, she heard a male voice. "Stop." Angel stayed quiet through the whole convo. "Huh?" female voice asked. "I said, stop." "But she deserves it!" The male voice got harsh. "It was a damn accident! I wasn't even there and I can see that! Open up your damn eyes and see that it was an accident!" There was a pause. "No, you weren't there to see that it was on purpose." More idle chat, until a 3rd voice came in. "You can't kill her...she's a great part of my life...we all love her." "So what?! She killed someone I loved! It's fair!" "No, it's not," voice #2 said. Voice #1 was quiet. "Yea, it was an accident, ok? Who knows, maybe Angel did cause it...but Angel is certainly not a murderer." The female voice got louder, although in a way, weaker. "Shut up, AJ! I thought you loved me!" the female voice said. "I do; but what you're doing is wrong. If you do this, you will hurt everyone, like me. Do this for the people she loves. If it for me. You do love me, don't you? It wasn't all fake? Amelia...please, for yourself even. You're ruining your life." That's it. Amelia saw everything on the ski trip. She knew all along. Throughout the whole thing, Angel crept silently back over the rail. She looked at the 3 people: Amelia was about 5 feet in front of Angel, AJ directly 5 feet in front of Amelia. Nick was another 5 feet to Amelia's right. Angel crept up from the left, planning to deck Amelia. But she had to wait: Amelia had the gun out again, pointed at AJ. "I hate you!! You profess your damned love you me and you do this! I tell you I love you and you turn on me! I don't love you anymore! I hate you!!" Amelia cried. Her love is twisted, Angel thought. Amelia took the safety off of the gun; Angel saw where this was going. "NO!" Angel cried as she went for the gun. Amelia was about to pull the trigger; think fast. Nick was to the right, AJ in front, Angel to the left of Amelia. Somehow...the bullet ended up in Angel's body. "Angel!! No no no...!!" Nick screamed. AJ glanced at Nick as a signal to help Angel. AJ jumped Amelia while she was in a state of shock. "I did it," she whispered. AJ took her away to prevent further damage. "Ohhh..."Angel moaned as she fell to the ground, holding the place of the bullet wound. Her previous injury was nothing compared to this. The pain was bad enough, but the way her air supply seeped out of the wound was more than troublesome. It was too serious; the bullet was a big one which left a hole in her skin to her lung. It was like trying to blow up a balloon with a hole in it. Unlike Nick's previous reaction to trouble, he was quick to get to her. That damned dreamworld led to this. "Angel! Can you hear me??" "Ohhh hurts..." Her voice was quiet and strained. She coughed; blood from her lung appeared on her lips. Nick felt emotional pain that was so great that it became physical pain. Through the pain, he noticed the crowd gathering, minus Amelia, AJ, and Britney. Now where was Britney? AJ and Amelia were wherever...who cares? Then Nick saw Britney running out of the forest to the cliff. "Oh no. Oh she dead? Oh man, oh man, this has gone too deep, too far." Nick didn't know what she was talking about. Who gives a damn. He focused on Angel. "Hi guys." Angel spoke slowly. There was a lot of murmering and mumbling and gasping going through the crowd. "Quiet!" Nick said. "Let...let Angel have all the...all the air she can get." he stuttered. There was a short silence until Angel spoke again. She was having a hard time. "I guess...I'm dying." she breathed. "I guess...I guess it's almost...time to say...goodbye." People started to protest, but she stopped them. "No...I know. It's pretty survive from a..." she coughed, "punctured lung. far away is? I'd...I'd never make it." Aaron started to cry. It was like losing a sister. Justin felt the same way. These 2 could not refrain from tears. Nick cried, eventually, at the thought of saying goodbye to the only girl he'd ever loved. Angel spoke again. "All of you...don't grieve when...when I die. If you grieve, then there's a...hole in your heart...where I used to be. Keep me there...keep your heart...with love." She smiled. "Besides...I'll always be...your Angel." Now everyone cried. Francois, who never got along with Angel before, was the worst off. "Angel...sister...don't go! I had 2 little siblings...LJ's already gone! Don't you make me an only child!" Francois sobbed. Tears welled in Angel's eyes, but did not fall. She didn't want to die crying. "Sister...I must go...I'm sorry. I've done...what I needed to do here...You have Brian for you share...and incredible love. Keep it alive...always." Her eyes fluttered closed, but she kept them open. "May I...speak to Nick and...Justin and Aaron...alone please?" Everyone besides these 3 rose and walked out of hearing range. Those 3 waited for her to speak. "I guys to know...that I will...always love you.'re older were right...the love of...a great friendship...can equal...a love con...connected by blood. Aaron, if...if you'd known LJ guys would have...gotten along...real well. I love you...for your mat...maturity your youth. You are like...LJ. And Nick...oh Nick, my love...I've never loved...a guy...the way I And now...after such a...a short time together...I...I must say goodbye. You 3 have...been a great part...of my life. you...and...will miss you." They thought she was done, but she had 1 thing left to say. " name Linh." Nick's face was damp with tears. "Angel, I love you so much, you've changed my life! All this, I'm so sorry for, so sorry...please forgive me. I can't...can't possibly you if you don't forgive me." Angel smiled again. "Nick...of course I...I forgive you." Nick laughed tearfully. "Angel, you have no idea how you've changed me! Your love is so powerful. Your name is fitting for you, you know that? Remember the night I told you that I loved you? It was a blue moon. A blue moon! Isn't that funny? That must have been a sign that out love would never die. Never. You know-" Angel pressed her forefinger against Nick's lips. His voice quieted. "No..." He held her hand the way he had when he said goodbye the first time. He didn't want her to say it though - goodbye. But her words told him he couldn't have it that way. "My love, it is inevitable. Now...we have to...have to...say..." She was having a really hard time. She coughed and continued. "Time to say...goodbye." Her blood soaked into the ground in a large amount. Each of the 3 guys said goodbye; they had to, or it would haunt them for the rest of their lives. Everyone else came back to say goodbye, including AJ. He'd ran back before she could go. She finally said her goodbye to everyone. "I love you much..." She winced in pain. "Oh, it hurts. But...I'm glad...that I'll see...LJ again." The rest of what she said came out in a slow whisper. "Don't ever...forget...that I'" She gasped for air and swallowed. " loves..." She closed her eyes....and could not open them again. The End
Chapter 14
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