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Sweet Angel -=*Chapter 6*=-

Angel was the first to awaken the next morning, so she decided to take a walk. The woods in this area were beautiful. The trees must have been a hundred years old and the flowers were in full bloom, despite the cold weather. Eventually, she came to a clearing, and at the end of it was a cliff, that was probably around half a mile deep. Below was a river, churning fiercely. Then she felt a presence next to her. It was Justin. "Hi", he said. "How'd you find me here?" "I followed you, sweet Angel." She shivered at what he called her. It reminded her of Bethany. "Are you cold, Angel?" "Uh, no, I'm fine, thanks." There was a pause. "Is Nick your boyfriend?" Angel considered. "I guess. There's nothing official though." "Oh...ok..." Angel looked over and saw his confused expression. She explained. "We've kissed and stuff but nevr really communicated as a couple." Justin seemed satisfied. "How close are you guys?" Angel honestly didn't know. "Close enough." "Well, that's vague. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want." Angel was relieved. "Ok, thanks." There was another pause, but it was comfortable, the way it is if you are truly comfortable with each other. In other words, you shared a love, no matter what kind. He would be a friend who would be there for her when she needed him. Justin broke into her thoughts. "Hey Angel...what do you think of Britney?" "I dunno...I never talked to her." "Well, I know you guys will get along. She's like a lil sis to me." "I hope your right." The conversation went on for at least 2 hrs. They talked about school, music, families, people, love, basically about their life. By the time they came back talking and laughing, everyone was awake. JC was the first to acknowledge them. "Well look at the lovebirds." He started to sing that 2 lil lovebirds song you learn back in grade school. He stopped midsentence when no one smiled. Justin looked uncomfortable; Angel and Nick both frowned. "Hi Angel", Nick said. "Hi Nick", Angel replied softly. "Lets go for a walk, Angel", Nick said equally softly. "Ummm...I'm kinda hungry....can it wait?" Angel went for her food, trying to postpone what he might say. Nick stopped her. "No, it's kinda important that we talk." They went aside, back to where Angel had just been with Justin, at the cliff. Now, it was just Angel, Nick, and nature. "So Angel, what have you been doing all morning?" She shifted uncomfortably. "Talking to Justin." "Really? You talked for a long time." Angel felt agggravated by his remark. "Yes, really. What else do you think I could have been doing??" Nick shrugged. "I dunno." Now she was impatient. "What was so important that you dragged me all the way out here for??" Nick looked imsulted. "I wanted to tell you something", he said softly. "What??" "That...i love you. Do you love me?" "Oh...i thought you were jealous." Nick was stunned. "Of what?" Angel was kinda embarrassed. "Of me and...Justin." Nick was mad that she would think he was that kinda jerk. "What the...why would i be jealous of you and him?" Angel was mad...she understood it wrong. She thought he wouldn't be jealous if she ever did anything with another guy. "What are you saying? That I'm worth getting jealous for? Oh, thanks a lot Nick. Great way to tell a girl you love her." Before he could say anything, she was off into the woods. * * * Nick thought hard. Was it something I said?? Main Page Chapter 5 Chpater 7