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Tips & Quotes From Emma


"Listen to and trust your mum's advice. At the end of the day she's your best friend!"

"Eat your donuts with pride... just don't leave a sticky, gooey mess!"

"Have a boyfriend if he's worth it, but don't let him take you for granted!"

"Love yourself the way you are, don't change for anybody...just be who you wannabe!"

"Be who you wannabe - take control of your own life!"

"Be sweet and good and honest always - but for God's sake, don't eat my donuts!"


"Being in this band is like having four older sisters. They all look after me and I couldn't dream of leaving them."

"I don't want to be a cutie - I want to be a hot, sexy bitch!" (She was only joking)

"I'm cool cause I wear pigtails with pride."

"My nickname's Angelica the Rugrat cause I always wear my hair in bunches."

"I'm a Londoner and I love the smell of candyfloss."

"Do I think Margaret Thatcher is the original Spice Girl? Not particularly. My mum is."

"There's different levels of smiling, there is definitely."

"When I was younger I used to sing in my hairbrush and I used to have Madonna parties, where everyone had to dress like Madonna."

"When we started out it was, 'Five Girls? That'll never work.' We've had to knock down the walls. We don't claim to be perfect. We're not 6 foot skinny girls. We get spots. That's Girl Power."

"Next to my mum and brother, The Spice Girls are the most important people in my life. I consider them part of my family."

"This is the way a lot of girls in Britain dress. It's funky and fun. I guess a lot more girls are dressing this way because of me and that's a compliment."

"It's great. We're girls with fat bums and spots. We don't have eating disorders. We're absolutely normal in our body types and I think that's an important message to be sending out to young women and girls."

"I see a movie like Titanic and a dreamy guy like Leonardo DiCaprio and I suddenly know why I'm not committing myself to a serious relationship just yet."

"Do I look like the kind of girl who'd fancy someone with dyed black hair?"

