Thanx to my Buddies!!!

A BIG thanks to Brian, my homie from LA, he diesgned the art work
you saw on my main page (the one thats red, and green). Hes cool, and thinks hes
all that because he has his own band. I am gonna kick his ass someday, and get him
back for being a fucking punk ass to me!! And if you wanna contact him about having him
do some art work for you, just e-mail me and I'll hook you up :)

I would like to thank Mike (my everclear bud) and John (my uuummmm how do i descrbe him.....
my wretling maniac of a friend) for giving me links to help pages on writting that damn
html. My god I thought I would never figure it out!!! Anyways, thanks!!

I need to thank Ben for showing me how to put pictures on here, thanks!
You are kewl and stuff ;)

Justin (aka: Ugsublime), thanks for all the advice on the page. And i am soooooo happy that I
proved you wrong and made this page, hehehehe.

Okay I have to say this legal crap: I "borrowed" about 99.9% of all pictures
on here from Skunk records offical web site.
So there I said it, I can't get in trouble now!! hehehe

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