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"Questions of Love"

Is the power of love so strong that it's existance cannot be denied? Is the overwhelming pleasure of love, surrounding one's heart with warmth, so immense that the two in love are blinded of all else?

When two people are in love, true love, do they know? Can they tell by the touch of their 'lovers' hand? Or, does the tingling feeling in their chest when 'that special someone' is merely in their presence, give it away?

If love is such a gracious experience to the heart and soul, then why does it leave such a painful mark, forever, in one's soul when it is parished?

If the pain and anguish is so great when love is parished, then is there really reason to spend so much of our lives searching for it?

Is the feeling so great the heartache and suffering can be ignored and set aside long enough to enjoy the presence of love?

There are a hundred questions I could ask a thousand times over and never be given the answers. Does that mean the truth of love lies within the giver and therefore, only thyself, can obtain the answers to the world's 'Questions of Love'?

"I'm Falling In Love With You"

Did you ever love someone and feel they didnt love you back? Did you ever feel like crying and think, what good would it do? Did you ever look into their eyes and say a little prayer? Did you ever glance into their heart and wish that you were there? Did you ever say 'I love you' and know they didnt care?

You see, Im losing you. No matter how hard I fight, all day long and even though the night, your slipping further and further from what I want you to be. Whenever you are with me, I feel so safe, and secure. Like nothing in this world can harm me as long as you are near. And to feel that feeling with you as my one true love, the one I can call my own would strengthen those feelings so much more. Yet you dont realize what we can become. Your only looking at 'us' through the eyes of friendship and not love.

Im trapped in this world filled with nothing but thoughts of you loving me the way I love you. I keep asking myself why this hurts me so much, isn't love suppose to be the greatest feeling in the world? Im finding the price of love is high, yet when I think of how I feel for you, that price is never too much to pay. Each night I cry myself to sleep, wondering if you will ever feel the same for me. I wonder why I even let myself fall for you, knowing I would be hurt before I was through. Dont you see? Im falling in love with you.

"Letting Go"

The thought of being loved again, being held close by someone who cares, just to have someone look deep into my eyes and gently kiss my lips. It gives me the strength to not give in to the pain of my broken heart. But it’s not easy letting go.

This broken heart of mine has to be the most excrutiating pain I have ever felt. It’s as if someone has grabbed my heart from the warmest possible place it could be, and has ripped it to shreds without a single feeling of remorse in their own heart. I try hard not to think about the immense pain in my chest, but it’s not easy to let go.

I keep thinking to myslef, of all the things I could have done differently, all the places I went wrong. Each event replays itself over and over in my head, forcing me to believe that what I did was wrong and I should have just given in. I keep telling myself “if only I had done this instead, he would still love me, he would still be by my side.” I know he’s gone forever now, but it’s not easy letting go.

I was told once, that losing your first love hurts more than any physical pain anyone can indure. Yet I kept telling myslef that no man could or ever would hurt me that bad. How could I be so niave? When I was in love, I fell so deep, so hard that nothing else mattered any more, and I became unaware of what was happening around me. I started to take my love for granted and it slowly started to fall apart, but I was too blind to see it. I thought that if it were to come to an end, all I’d have to do is say “I love you” and everything would be normal again. But what happens when just saying “I love you” doesnt work? I thought to myslef, “how could I have let love slip right through my fingers?” The question now is, am I suppose to just forget about that ‘LOVE’ I once had and move on with life? Maybe I am, but it’s not easy to let go.

How can I when everywhere I go and everything I do makes me think of ‘him’? When every song I listen to, happy or sad, when I close my eyes, all I can see is ‘his’ face? When all I can think of at those moments is what we once had and what we could have had? It seems I’m forever lost in my own world of agony, forever wondering if I’ll ever find true love again. It’s not easy, but I know now, that deep down, I’m finally letting go.

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