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* "Entwined Souls"
As I stare up into the stars. I realize just how far away he is. One star shines brighter than all the rest, and I am lost in thought. As I gaze at that single star, I feel as if he is right here beside me. Somehow our souls have connected, regardless of the distance between us. As I whisper the words 'I love you' into the night, I can almost hear his sweet voice whisper 'I love you too'. And as I sit in the cool breeze, I close my eyes, and I can imagine his soft lips touching mine as he holds me close.
Before this night, never has the thought of anyone ever touched me so strong with emotion. Never has my soul been so easily connected to another's. As the trees whisper, our souls remain entwined in perfection under the soft light of the moon....

* "Mystical Love"
Something inside me is burning me up, and all I can think about is how when I hear your voice, my head feels light and my chest tightens. How every breath I take is a breath of love that makes my heart skip a beat.
The way I look into your eyes, and I melt away. How every time I see your face, I just want to melt away in your arms. The way you look at me and I go soft and cave in.
It's like I can feel the potential og love inside you, the extreme sense of sweetness you generate when you are near me. As if I can feel you in my heart. The incredible passion of which I imagine you holding me, loving me untill the emotions overflow from within. It's so amazing.
No one has ever been able to implant such a thought in my mind or a feeling in my heart. It's as if you are my mystical love, and I am destined to be with you...

"Forever Yours"
Your soft lips draw me near to you, as I gaze into your eyes. I know the love we share is true, open and undisguised.
I'll gently touch the side of your face, as I whisper in your ear. "I love you darling", as we embrace, are the words that you will hear.
So let me take you in my arms, and hold you close to me. I'll tell you of your many charms,as I kiss you tenderly.
I will always cherish the day we met, and exchanged our words of love. 'Tis a day I'll not forget, for there will never be another.

"Undescribable Feelings"
Holding you in my arms, seeing your warm smile, just thinking of you makes my life complete. Your understanding, your sympathy, the tone of your voice when you tell me you love me.
I don't know what it is, or what made it start, all I know is it travels from heart to heart.
Nothing can change my feelings for you. I love you and I care about you. I don't know if I can live without you. I need to tell you how I feel about you, but I am scared. Help me my love, show me how to tell you of my undescribable feelings I have for you deep inside.

* "Missing You"
I look at all our pictures. I listen to our songs. And at the same time I wonder, what did I do wrong? Everyone says to forget about you, and build up some pride. But what about all the pain I would have to hide? I regret more than anything the day I pushed you away. I'm always wondering what to do. Sometimes I just sit and cry, just thinking of you.
As I sit and think about things, I understand what I must do. I must move on and find someone new. Regardless of how much this all hurts me inside, I can't keep ignoring the fact that I have a life to live.
Even when I do find someone new to love, I know I will never forget your face. I know that in another time and place I will find true love once more, and I'll be happy forever more

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All poems are property of Amy Tilden and are copyrighted. Any duplication or claim to ownership of these poems without the lawfull owners permission is forbidden and legal action will be taken.