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"What Would You Say If I Told You I Love You?"

As I lay awake, thinking of you, my mind begins to fill with thoughts of love and passion. I imagine you here, lying next to me, holding me close. Sharing with me your love. As I drift off to sleep, I can feel your warm hands gently caressing my body. I can hear your tender voice whispering words of affection into my ear.
I dream of you loving me all through the night. As I awake, I feel as though nothing in this world can take away my love for you. Throughout the day you're all that I can think about. I want to share my experiences with you. I don't even know who you are, or what your name is....yet I can't get you out of my mind.
I want to tell you how I feel. Yet I am stopped by the fear of not knowing what you would say if I told you I love you.

"It's Love And So Much More"

A need to express my feelings, though I'm at a loss of words. I want to say I love you, but there's so much more than that.
It's the way your eyes penetrate my soul, the way I tremble at your touch. The way you stare endlessly into my eyes as you hold me in your arms so softly, comforting me with your warm smile.
It's as if we are a part of eachother. This is love, and so much more.

"What Does It All Mean?"

It's as if you are a part of me. Thinking the same things at the same time, always knowing what I feel.
Since I met you, the words 'I' and 'You' have lost all meaning, and the word 'We' has become more meaningful.
Being with you defies all reason for being alone. Your company is like second nature to me. It's not something I had to become accustomed to. What does it all mean? Are we meant to be? Is this all destiny?

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All poems are property of Amy Tilden and are copyrighted. Any duplication or claim to ownership of these poems without the lawfull owners permission is forbidden and legal action will be taken.