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"In This Man..."
We kiss, and I find myself tumbling through a world filled with entwined feelings of love and lust. So invloved in each twist and turn that comes my way, I can hardly tell which way is up and which is down.
As the emotions, so strong, flow all around me, I am overwhelmed with thoughts of passion and desire. Each feeling, so immense, washing in waves over my mind, my heart, my soul.
In this man I have found a best friend, a lover, a soulamte. In this man, I have found love.

For so long, I was afraid to feel, afraid to open my soul to another, afraid to love again.
Then I was shown that there is nothing to fear, that it is okay to share myself, and it is okay to love someone again.
I fell in love, I opened my sould to his, and I found someone that I could trust and talk to. Im not afraid, Im free.

"I Love You"
Intense is the amount of love that has grown between our souls since we began this journey to become one.
Love is what I feel flowing through my mind, my heart, and my soul every time you touch me.
Overwhelmed is what I am each time that I hear your voice.
Very happy is what I am to have found you to share myself with.
Extraordinary is how fast we have grown to be such an important part of each other's lives.
You are the true love I thought only possible to hold in dreams.
Only to you do I give myself, my dreams, and my love.
Undescribable is the exact feelings for you that I hold deep within myself.

Never can I tell you enough that I love you. I know that as long as you are by my side, a part of my life, I will continue to always tell you what you mean to me...everything, and I love you!

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All poems are property of Amy Tilden and are copyrighted. Any duplication or claim to ownership of these poems without the lawfull owners permission is forbidden and legal action will be taken.