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As l lay, to go to sleep.
With you on my mind,
I'll never weep.
'Cus your the one that fills my soul.
Theres no more pain,
No more hole.

When I'm lonley, I think of you.
Your eyes so clear,
Your voice so true.
Then the lonesomeness i feel,
Seams to be not quite as real.

So it seems that your the one.
You are my moon,
You are my sun.
Your in my thoughts both day and night.
When I think of you,
I see the light.


The summer breeze graces your hair,
I smell your sweet purfume in the air.
The smell is hypnotic,
I fall into a trance.
Your movements more graceful than the finest dance.
As l watch u move,
my mind starts to soothe.

I know not what to say.
I'm at total bey.
Not a word could discribe,
what I'm feeling inside.

I imagine the day when i can truly say.
that you are all mine, till the end of time.
But untill that day is here,
I'll just whisper in your ear.
That I want u to be mine,
till the end of time.


My love is strong,
but my heart is weak.
The shot is long.
The chance is bleak.

Should i stop,
and let it die?
Or go for it,
just let it fly?

These are the questions
in my brain.
They don't bring me joy.
They bring me pain.

A pain so deep,
it hurts my soul.
Im getting lost again,
falling out of control.

I cant control
the way i feel.
It's something strong,
could it be real?

Yet another question
to think about.
I just wish,
I could figure it out.

The First Kiss

Sitting in darkness, with only the light of a glowing candle, our eyes lock on each other. Not knowing why we quickly look away, both blushing. Our hearts both pounding in unison, sounding like the clapping of distant thunder.

We are both thinking the same thing yet we are both wondering what the other is thinking. My mind is engulfed with the thoughts of want and need. As I stare into your deep brown eyes i realize that this is the moment i have always waited for.

The moment that our worlds collide and our lips lock in a kiss that would rival even the most passionate love story.

Wondering How
Without any kind of inspiration I'm starting to lose my way in life, and am confused as to what to do about it all. I no longer know where I'm going or what I even want to try to do.

I'm seeing this girl standing in front of me. A girl that i now hold in my arms, and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. I can see her face. So soft, so smooth, so . . . "perfect". When she smiles it makes my heart melt. Not knowing what to say to her . . . she walks away once again.

Yes, all these are just dreams, wishes even, of what could be. If only I could find the courage to get past my fears. These fears that have been the sole reason for why I have been lonely for so long.


I sit here in my empty room and think of the similarities between it and my heart. This room, once so full of color and life is now cold, dark, and lonely.

I always wonder why I did it. Why i gave up everything i loved. She was my whole life and i dropped her quicker than a bad habit. I can still see her face so vividly; her beautiful smile, her dark hair.

I miss her kiss more than anything. Her lips so soft, warmly pressed against mine. Our bodies pressed together in passion almost as one.

But my mistake came that faithful night when i ended our love and turned my heart into a desolate room.

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All poems are property of Chris Haven and are copyrighted. Any duplication or claim to ownership of these poems without the lawfull owners permission is forbidden and legal action will be taken.