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Music and Movies


I love all kinds of music. There is at least some good and at least some bad in every style of music. When I'm in a really good mood I like to listen to softer music like Sting, Phil Collins, Garth Brooks, John Denver, Sarah McGlachlin, Natalie Imbruglia, Elton John, Collective Soul or The Wallflowers.

Then again, when I'm working out or I'm just worked up, I like listening to something with a hard driving beat such as Metallica, Def Leapord, Stone Temple Pilots, Live, Pearl Jam, Tool, Korn, Aerosmith, Bush, etc.

And my new #1 Favorite Song happens to be:

If I had $1,000,000
by the Barenaked Ladies


OK, I can't make a list of my favorite movies, because there are a lot of movies out there that I haven't seen, but look really good. I loved Forest Gump, I thought the recent TV version of Brave New World was terrfic in portraying the spirit of the book (I might even argue that it was better than the book) and that film with Robert Duvall and James Earl Jones had some of the best acting I've ever seen. However, here is a list of my top ten favorite action movies, since I have seen enough of them to be confident in picking some of the best.

Top 10 Action Movies
1. Terminator 2
2. Die Hard
3. Predator
4. Lethal Weapon 2
5. Predator 2
Worst 5 Movies I've Ever Seen!
1. Life According to Garp
2. War of the Roses
3. Fortress
4. Species
5. Shadow of the Wolf
6. The Crow
7. Blade
8. Aliens
9. Star Trek: First Contact
10. Independance Day

Honorable Mentions: Armageddon, Mortal Kombat and Showdown in Little Tokyo

* Starship Troopers only missed the boat due to its
gratuitous gore and contrived presentation.
** Star Wars movies not considered due to their
obvious incomparable superiority to any other
movie ever made.


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