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Chapter 11

"Man, why is it so gloomy here?" Nick asked peering up at the sky. Emily was still oogling over her throw. "Well you know I had an ulterior motive for buying the throw. I was hoping we could both wrap ourselves in it and keep each other warm." Brian said stroking her cheek. Emily smiled, "Well, I think that might be possible." Brian lightly swatted her butt, "Might be? Oh no you don't!" Kelly was trying to find a lipstick that had dropped in the car and was getting increasingly frustrated, "I know this thing didn't disappear, where the hell are you!" Kevin walked over towards her and couldn't help but grin, "Need help?" Kelly forgot the roof of the car and knocked her head against it, "GOD DAMNIT!! OWW!!!!!!!" Kevin kissed her forehead, "Are you ok?" Kelly managed a smile, "Yeah, I think I'll live for a few more days. Did you forget something in the car as well?" Kevin shook his head no. "Well then are you just being a gentleman and escorting me into the house?" Kelly asked a bit curious. "Something like that. Actually I have something for you." Kevin said trying to keep a straight face. "Something for me? Hmmm, well let me see!" Kelly replied excitedly. He slowly pulled a little black box out of his pocket and sheepishly handed it to her, "I saw how much you wanted these and well I want you to have them." Kelly instantly knew what it was and felt the tears forming in her eyes and begin to make their way down her face, "Kevin, oh my god! You um, wow, god I love these!" She opened the box to find the dangly blue sapphire earrings that she had wanted. "Kevin I LOVE THEM!" Kelly said as she hopped into his arms kissing his face. Kevin walked into the house with Kelly still in his arms. "I was um wondering, if you would spend the night with me?" Kevin asked looking directly into her eyes. Kelly smiled, "Yes, I think I would like that. Just let me go get a few things and I'll meet you in your room ok?" Brian and Nick were in the kitchen rummaging for some snacks when they heard footsteps behind them. "So did you guys have fun today?" Kim asked quietly. Nick turned around, "Hey you guys, yeah we had fun. It was much nicer there than it is here. Is Aj feeling better?" Aj came in behind Kim and smiled at the guys, "Yeah I am feeling better thanks to Kim here." Brian was noticing the Kim looked a little pale, "Is everything alright? You look a little pale?" Kim nervously laughed, "Yeah, just a little tired and run down I guess. I'll be fine after a good nights sleep." "Well we are off to bed, we have to be in the studio tomorrow around noon, no more play time for us." Nick said pouting. Kim watched Nick and Brian walk out of the kitchen and leaned up against the counter letting out a long sigh. "You ok there?" Aj asked a bit concerned. "Yeah, I am fine, I am just thoroughly exhausted and I should probably get to bed." Kim replied. "Well do you mind if you have some company?" Aj asked grinning at her. "Not at all, the more the merrier." Kim replied laughing.

Kelly was both excited and terrified spending the night with Kevin. She felt it would be different tonight but tried not to get her hopes up in case nothing happened. She grabbed her backpack and filled it with a few things and headed back over towards Kevin's room. "Oh hey there, are you feeling better Aj", Kelly asked trying to divert their attention to where they were going. "Yeah I am feeling better, thanks. Where are you going? Going to keep Kevin company again?" Aj smirked. Kim watched as Kelly began to squirm. "Um, well I am just going over there." Kelly answered poorly. Kim found her to be slightly amusing and tried to contain her laughter, "Kelly its no big deal, have fun and sleep well." Kelly hugged Kim quickly and ran down the steps. "Kev's going to get some, lucky ass boy!" Aj shouted. Kim playfully slapped Aj on the arm and hushed him as she yanked him into her room. Kelly hesitated at Kevin's door. Suddenly she was having second thoughts and started to turn around when she heard the door open. "Hey there, you coming in or are you going to just stay out in the hallway?" Kevin asked peeking out of his door. Kelly smiled and slightly pushed past him entering his room.

Kevin had the lights dimmed and some music wavering in the background. He smiled when he saw the earrings on her, "They look great on you!" Kelly grinned but was feeling a little uncomfortable. "So do you have something to wear to bed?" Kevin asked nonchalantly. Kelly felt her mouth go dry and carefully licked her lips, "Yeah, I do, why did you have something in mind?" Kevin shook his head no as he walked towards her enveloping her in his arms and kissing her. Kelly could feel her knees go weak beneath her and held onto Kevin deepening the kiss. Kevin picked her up and carried her to the bed and lay her down carefully amongst the pillows that were scattered on the bed. "You know I should really get out of these clothes, and I really must brush my teeth." Kelly said interrupting the kiss. Kevin frowned and reluctantly let her go. While Kelly was in the bathroom freshening up Kevin leaned up against the window sill and gazed into the night admiring how the moon, that seemed to be in perfect form that night, cast a soft glow in the night. He saw a star in the sky flickering and shouted, "KELLY GET OUT HERE YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!" Kelly darted out of the bathroom not realizing what little she had on and ran to the window and stood in front of Kevin gazing into the sky where Kevin was pointing. She saw the star flickering and then saw it shoot through the sky and slowly disappear. "Wow, I don't think I have ever seen a shooting star." Kelly said leaning up against Kevin. "I don't think I have ever seen someone so beautiful." Kevin replied wrapping his arms around her. Kelly blushed and slowly turned to face him, "Thankyou." Kevin glanced down at what she was wearing, "Very cute!" Kelly suddenly felt horribly exposed and tried to cover herself up. "What's wrong?" Kevin asked noticing her change of mood. "It's just that I um well.." Kelly spoke not finding the right words to say. Kevin lowered his head and kissed her cheek and let his lips drag to the other cheek while his hands moved slowly down her back pulling her close to him. His mouth covered hers as he led her back to the bed, "I hope you finished in the bathroom." Kelly giggled letting her tongue graze his. Kevin let out a low growl as she ran her fingers down his chest. She slowly pulled his T-shirt over his head gazing at his nicely tanned toned body. Kevin sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Kelly back into his arms and slowly lifted up her shirt hoping she wouldn't protest. Kelly didn't know what had come over her, she felt totally comfortable with what he was doing. Her body was tingling everywhere and she was slightly dizzy from his warm kisses. They rolled around the bed and joined in one another. It seemed like an eternity that she didn't want to come to an end. She lay beside him curled up hearing his heart beat inside of him slowly lulling her to sleep, "Nite Kevin." Kevin caressed her forehead, "Nite Kelly."

Chapter 12

Laura was in her room trying on the shirts when she felt a gush of cold air come into the room. She slowly turned around and saw Nick standing in the doorway. "Would you come in you are letting all the cold air in and I am getting cold!" Laura shouted. Nick walked in and shut the door behind him, "You know you shouldn't leave your door unlocked, you never know who might come waltzing in!" Laura came out of the bathroom with her robe on, "Yeah, I heard there are some real sickos in the house. At least I have a big strong man to protect me from them." Nick laughed, "You know you guys have much better rooms than we do. How did that happen?" Laura sauntered over to where Nick was standing, "Well, I could use the excuse that we are girls but I guess it was just meant to be." Nick looked Laura up and down and grinned. He could feel his body heat up and all he wanted to do was touch her all over. "You know how adorable you look?" He said leaning into her. Laura playfully tossed her head, "Well yes, but someone has got to be the adorable one and if I am the chosen one then so be it." Nick shook his head, "OH brother! I just came by to say goodnight and hopefully I'll get to see you tomorrow if you are still up when we drag our sorry asses in." Laura was a bit disappointed, "Oh, well ok, I guess if you have to leave, you do need your sleep so that lovely voice of yours is in tune." Nick scowled at her, "IN tune? I am always in tune." Nick couldn't contain his laughter and fell on the bed holding his stomach, "Oh that was good, I crack myself up sometimes." Laura stood there watching him roll on her bed and thought how much she just wanted to pounce on him and silently thought to herself, "Play it cool Laura." Nick leaned back and watched Laura slowly walk towards him, " You have a wicked look on your face. Should I be scared?" Laura let out a wicked laugh, "Why of course not. I am perfectly harmless but you are on my bed and since technically that is my territory that makes you fair game." Nick waved his finger at her beckoning her to him, "Come join me on this nice comfy bed." Laura stopped at the edge of the bed and stared at Nick. She hoisted herself up on the bed and crawled towards him on all fours. She straddled him with her legs, "Ok now what?" Both of them laughed and Nick sat up and cradled her in his arms. "Well first off I have to do this." Nick said as he kissed her gently. "Then I would have to take a little peek to see what is on the table so to speak." He said as he slowly lifted her robe and peered in. Nick kissed Laura's shoulder as he pulled the robe down. She shivered in anticipation as he slowly made his way down her body. He carefully lifted her up and placed her back on the sheets. Laura tugged at his shirt and lifted it over his head kissing his chest as it became exposed. She heard Nick moan and smiled to herself. She pulled him down to kiss him again and furiously ran her fingers through his hair. Nick enveloped Laura in his arms and pinned her to the bed. He covered her body with his and made love to her as the moon cast a glow in the room.

Kim's room

"Ok I guess Nick got some as well after hearing those moans and screams." Kim said coming out of the bathroom in her robe. "Feel better?" Aj asked lying on the bed flipping the TV channels. "Yes much better after that bath. But my head is still going a mile a minute. I can't get it to shut off. Maybe if you point the remote at my head and press the off button that might help?" Kim said laughing. Aj pointed the remote at her and clicked the button several times but nothing happened, "Nope sorry didn't work. I guess I'll have to try and get you to slow down. Come here!" Kim smiled at him. She felt so safe with Aj but at the same time tremendously turned on when she was around him. She felt as if they had some sort of mental connection. "You staying the night?" Kim asked picking up a few things and tossing them to the side as she walked towards the bed. "Well actually I sort of invited myself which was slightly rude, so I will ask, Can I?" Aj said with his head slightly lowered. "Aj if I hadn't wanted you in my room I would have kicked your butt out long time ago. So I guess what I am trying to say is I would love for you to spend the night." Kim said slowly getting on the bed. Aj smiled, "Well you do know that I sleep naked. I hope that won't be a problem." Kim felt her mouth go dry, "No, we are both adults here. I can handle it." Aj leaned in closer and kissed her letting his lips linger while his hands went down her sides and pulled her shirt up. Kim didn't protest, instead she helped him take off his shirt after hers was tossed on the floor. Aj pushed her back onto the bed and covered her body with his. As his mouth sent shockwaves through her body, his hands were stimulating her body to new heights. Kim tried to keep her moaning down but became lost in the flood of sensations hitting her. For once Kim decided to let her body go and just enjoy what she was feeling. Aj knew how to touch a woman and that was surprising to her considering his age. Playfully they rolled around the bed kissing one another and laughing. They went on through the night lavishing touches and kisses on one another while they joined they're bodies together. Kim lay there with Aj lying beside her and couldn't help but feel that she would not feel like this again with him after she left the house.

Chapter 12

Laura was in her room trying on the shirts when she felt a gush of cold air come into the room. She slowly turned around and saw Nick standing in the doorway. "Would you come in you are letting all the cold air in and I am getting cold!" Laura shouted. Nick walked in and shut the door behind him, "You know you shouldn't leave your door unlocked, you never know who might come waltzing in!" Laura came out of the bathroom with her robe on, "Yeah, I heard there are some real sickos in the house. At least I have a big strong man to protect me from them." Nick laughed, "You know you guys have much better rooms than we do. How did that happen?" Laura sauntered over to where Nick was standing, "Well, I could use the excuse that we are girls but I guess it was just meant to be." Nick looked Laura up and down and grinned. He could feel his body heat up and all he wanted to do was touch her all over. "You know how adorable you look?" He said leaning into her. Laura playfully tossed her head, "Well yes, but someone has got to be the adorable one and if I am the chosen one then so be it." Nick shook his head, "OH brother! I just came by to say goodnight and hopefully I'll get to see you tomorrow if you are still up when we drag our sorry asses in." Laura was a bit disappointed, "Oh, well ok, I guess if you have to leave, you do need your sleep so that lovely voice of yours is in tune." Nick scowled at her, "IN tune? I am always in tune." Nick couldn't contain his laughter and fell on the bed holding his stomach, "Oh that was good, I crack myself up sometimes." Laura stood there watching him roll on her bed and thought how much she just wanted to pounce on him and silently thought to herself, "Play it cool Laura." Nick leaned back and watched Laura slowly walk towards him, " You have a wicked look on your face. Should I be scared?" Laura let out a wicked laugh, "Why of course not. I am perfectly harmless but you are on my bed and since technically that is my territory that makes you fair game." Nick waved his finger at her beckoning her to him, "Come join me on this nice comfy bed." Laura stopped at the edge of the bed and stared at Nick. She hoisted herself up on the bed and crawled towards him on all fours. She straddled him with her legs, "Ok now what?" Both of them laughed and Nick sat up and cradled her in his arms. "Well first off I have to do this." Nick said as he kissed her gently. "Then I would have to take a little peek to see what is on the table so to speak." He said as he slowly lifted her robe and peered in. Nick kissed Laura's shoulder as he pulled the robe down. She shivered in anticipation as he slowly made his way down her body. He carefully lifted her up and placed her back on the sheets. Laura tugged at his shirt and lifted it over his head kissing his chest as it became exposed. She heard Nick moan and smiled to herself. She pulled him down to kiss him again and furiously ran her fingers through his hair. She felt Nick grown beneath her and wiggled a bit causing him to growl in frustration. "I really need to get these things off!" Nick said referring to his pants. Laura leaned back on her elbows and watched Nick and he took off his pants. "I am liking the view from here!" Laura exclaimed noticing how aroused he was. As Nick threw his pants off to the side he saw a couple of scarves on the floor and walked over and retrieved them. "What do you think you are going to do with those?" Laura asked a bit frightened. "Well seeing that you are causing me so much grief I figured that I give some grief back to you. You mind if I gingerly tie your arms up with these?" Nick replied grinning. She admitted to herself what he was suggesting was turning her on and she trusted him in an odd sort of way. "Sure, just don't leave me here tied up ok?" Laura said slightly pouting. Nick jumped on the bed and wrapped her wrists in the scarves and carefully tied them to the bed. "Now don't you go kicking me, I want you to be a good little girl." Nick said waving his finger at her. She could feel her body grow warmer with each kiss and touch that he gave her. He moved his lips with fervent hunger while his hands roamed her body. Laura thrashed her head back and forth moaning rather loudly and didn't care if the others heard her. In all her wiggling she managed to get out of the scarves and attacked Nick with her hands and mouth. "I guess I didn't tie those too well eh?" Nick said laughing. Laura paid no mind and just kept kissing him. She quickly flipped over and straddled him. She lowered herself onto him and heard him growl once again when he entered her. She rocked back and forth thrusting him deeper into her. Nick held onto her hips guiding her back and forth, "CHRIST LAURA, I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH MORE I CAN ." Nick swiftly flipped her onto her back and pinned her arms above her head as he thrusted into her over and over again. He buried his face in her neck, biting and sucking. Laura gnawed at his shoulder and giggled when she saw the lovely mark she had left for him. She felt Nick empty himself in her and her orgasm soon followed. Nick curled up beside her and lay his head on her chest, "Are you ok?" Laura was still reeling from her release and groggily replied, "Yes, never felt better."

Kim's room

"Ok I guess Nick got some as well after hearing those moans and screams." Kim said coming out of the bathroom in her robe. "Feel better?" Aj asked lying on the bed flipping the TV channels. "Yes much better after that bath. But my head is still going a mile a minute. I can't get it to shut off. Maybe if you point the remote at my head and press the off button that might help?" Kim said laughing. Aj pointed the remote at her and clicked the button several times but nothing happened, "Nope sorry didn't work. I guess I'll have to try and get you to slow down. Come here!" Kim smiled at him. She felt so safe with Aj but at the same time tremendously turned on when she was around him. She felt as if they had some sort of mental connection. "You staying the night?" Kim asked picking up a few things and tossing them to the side as she walked towards the bed. "Well actually I sort of invited myself which was slightly rude, so I will ask, Can I?" Aj said with his head slightly lowered. "Aj if I hadn't wanted you in my room I would have kicked your butt out long time ago. So I guess what I am trying to say is I would love for you to spend the night." Kim said slowly getting on the bed. Aj smiled, "Well you do know that I sleep naked. I hope that won't be a problem." Kim felt her mouth go dry, "No, we are both adults here. I can handle it." Aj leaned in closer and kissed her letting his lips linger while his hands went down her sides and pulled her shirt up. Kim didn't protest, instead she helped him take off his shirt after hers was tossed on the floor. Aj pushed her back onto the bed and covered her body with his. As his mouth sent shockwaves through her body, his hands were stimulating her body to new heights. Kim tried to keep her moaning down but became lost in the flood of sensations hitting her. For once Kim decided to let her body go and just enjoy what she was feeling. Aj knew how to touch a woman and that was surprising to her considering his age. Playfully they rolled around the bed kissing one another and laughing. They went on through the night lavishing touches and kisses on one another while they joined they're bodies together. Kim lay there with Aj lying beside her and couldn't help but feel that she would not feel like this again with him after she left the house.

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