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Yo Quiero Backstreet: Ch. 1-3

"Amber...Amber..wake up!" Amber Davis slowly opened her eyes and found herself starring in the face of her cousin, Christy Thomas. "What time is it?" she asked. "It's 6:30," said Christy, as she opened Amber's closet and began tossing clothes at her. "Hurry up! We have to get ready to go to Disneyworld." "It doesn't even open until 9! That's like 2 1/2 hours away," Amber laid back down and pulled the covers over her head. "But we have to get there early because you know how crowded it gets!" Christy stood with her hands on her hips, exasperated by her cousin's lack of motivation. "Fine, I'll get up!" Amber got out of bed and began to get ready for their day at the happiest place on earth. Two hours later, Amber and Christy arrived at the Magic Kingdom. They quickly found a line and purchase their tickets. Christy handed the cashier their money and, in turn, he handed her their passes and a map. Christy passed their tickets and the map to Amber, who began to look through it. As she opened it up, a sheet of paper fell to the ground. Amber quickly picked it up and read the headline "Backstreet Boys in concert, April 5th, 7 pm." Amber was ecstatic. She grabbed Christy's arm and started jumping up and down, causing Christy to drop all her change. "Why are you jumping up and down?" Christy hissed at Amber, as she bent to retrieve her fallen change. "The Backstreet Boys are in concert tonight!!" Amber informed her cousin. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Christy screamed and both girls resumed their jumping. When they heard Christy's cry of joy, the crowd of people turned and stared at the two excited cousins. Christy regained her composure and calmed Amber down. They entered the park and began to make their way toward Space Mountain. After numerous rides and lunch, Christy and Amber walked down Main Street, occasionally stopping to browse through the various shops. "There's not that many people here today," Christy commented. Amber nodded in agreement. "Hey Christy, let's go on Splash Mountain," she suggested. The girls turned and headed toward the ride. A relatively short line awaited Christy and Amber and they quickly took their place behind a group of guys. While waiting, they discussed the upcoming Backstreet Boys concert and argued over which guy is cuter. "I think Nick is the cutest! He's soo adorable!" Amber exclaimed. Christy shook her head, "Uhh no! To me, Nick has a nasal voice. Kevin is soo cute! And he can sing really well. I just wish he would sing lead sometime." To their surprise, Christy and Amber heard the guys in front of them laughing in front of their breath. "Excuse me," Christy said to them. "What are you laughing at?" "Nothing," mumbled one of them, a tall guy wearing a black shirt, jeans, dark glasses, and a baseball hat turned backwards. Another guy spoke up, "We were just listening to you talk about the Backstreet Boys." He had light brown hair and was wearing a striped Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt, jeans, and sunglasses. "What's wrong with the Backstreet Boys?" Amber asked defensively. "Nothing's wrong with them," one of the guys stated, "I just don't like their type of music. Besides, I don't listen to all-guy bands." At this, the other guys snickered and a tall blond elbowed him. They turned around and began to talk amongst themselves. Amber and Christy also continued to talk. Soon, they approached the front of the line. The five guys climbed into their seats. As they stepped onto the ride, they turned to the girls and waved goodbye. One of them flashed a peace sign and Amber rolled her eyes. All of a sudden, Christy realized who they had been talking to. "Amber, those were the Backstreet Boys!" Amber shook her head in disbelief. "No way," she said. "They are not!" "Yes they are," Christy insisted. "That was Kevin. He flashed a peace sign." It was the cousins' turn to board the ride. They continued to argue over the identity of the five guys. "Fine," Amber sighed. "I'll just ask them." "No!" Christy protested. "What are you going to say?" "I'll say, 'Are you the Backstreet Boys?'," Amber explained. She noticed the guys' car about to go down a small drop. "Hey," she yelled in an attempt to get their attention. "Are you the Backstreet Boys?!" No response came from the guys. Amber opened her mouth to ask again when Christy interrupted. "Don't bother them," she said. "They probably don't want people to recognize them." "Fine," Amber sighed and the ride continued. After going on Splash Mountain, Amber suggested that they follow the boys. Christy disagreed, but Amber wouldn't back down from her idea. She dragged her cousin through the park, following the group of guys. They sat down to eat dinner and Amber saw her chance. She marched up to their table with Christy following relunctantly, shaking her head. Amber slyly pulled up a chair between two of the guys. She sat silently for a minute, until the guy on her right asked, "Can I help you?" "Yes," replied Amber. "I have a very important question." "What is it?" questioned the tall, dark-haired guy sitting across from her. "Are you the Backstreet Boys?" They all looked at each other. One asked, "Well should we tell her?" Another sighed, "Yeah I guess so." "Yeah we are. I'm AJ and this is..." AJ started to introduce the rest of the group. "I know who you are," Amber interrupted. She opened her mouth wide. Christy though, Oh no, and covered her ears just as a scream escaped from Amber. Nick quickly clamped his hand over Amber's mouth. "Please don't scream," he begged. "Sorry," Amber said, a little flustered. "I just can't believe I'm sitting with the Backstreet Boys." Kevin laughed. "Well we didn't exactly invite you," he pointed out. "Come on Amber, let's go," Christy said. "We don't want to bother them." "It's no big deal," said Brian. He smiled at Christy. "You guys can stay." "As long as she doesn't scream," Nick added. Christy brought a chair to the table and sat between Kevin and Brian. The girls introduced themselves, starting with Christy. "I'm Christy Thomas," she said. "I'm 20 and I live in Kissimmee, Florida." "And I'm Amber Davis. I'm 18. We're cousins." The group chatted for a while until the boys announced that they had to leave to get ready for their concert. Before they left, the boys handed Christy and Amber backstage passes and promised to see them soon.

After the Boys departed, Christy and Amber realized they hadn't eaten, and ordered their dinner. While consuming their food, Christy pulled out the map and pointed out possible attractions that they could visit. She suggested, "Let's go on the Matterhorn. We haven't..." "No!" Amber interrupted. "We're going to the concert early!" "It's only 5:30," Christy argued. "We have plenty of time to go on a ride, then walk over there." Amber gave in. "Fine. But if we can't get seats, I'm going to kill you." She threatened. The girls left their table and began walking to the Matterhorn. On the way, Amber noticed their friends, Samantha and Claudia, strolling through the park. "Look Christy! There's Sam and Claudia." "Oh cool," Christy said. "Let's go see where they are going." The cousins made their way to there friends. Claudia noticed Christy and Amber and the four girls soon met up. "Hey guys!" Amber greeted them. "What are you doing here?" Sam looked at Amber sideways. "Um, whatever people do at Disneyworld," she answered. "Oh looking for fine guys?" Amber countered. "Speaking of fine guys, you'll never believe who we met." "The Backstreet Boys," Claudia guessed sarcastically. "How did you know?!" Amber exclaimed. "You didn't meet them," Sam said in disbelief. She looked at Christy for confirmation of Amber's story. Christy nodded, "Yeah, she's telling the truth." "Oh my gosh! Tell us everything." As the girls walked together, Christy explained how her and Amber met the Boys. They approached the Matterhorn just as Christy finished her story. Amber glanced at her watch. "It's 6:15!" she yelped. "We have to go to the concert now. I want good seats." "Are you guys going to the Backstreet Boys concert too?" Claudia asked. Amber rolled her eyes. "Of course we are. We're the guest of honor!" "Actually, we just have backstage passes," Christy corrected. Samantha and Claudia laughed as the girls entered the arena. Amber surveyed the seats and sighed. "Dang it, we're too late," Amber pouted. "Uh, only 5 rows are filled," Christy pointed out. "I know. I wanted to sit in the front so I could see Nick up close." Amber walked toward an empty row, while the other girls followed behind. "So which one do you like?" Christy asked Claudia and Sam. Sam answered, "Brian. He's so hot!" Claudia wrinkled her nose, "Brian? Everyone knows Howie's the cutest!" Amber snickered and Christy elbowed her in the side. "Anyway..." She quickly changed the subject. 45 minutes later, in front of a sold-out crowd, the Backstreet Boys stepped out into flashing lights and clouds of smoke. Amber screamed at the top of her lungs, while Christy plugged her ears. They opened the concert with Get Down, to get the crowd hyped up. After the two best hours of the girls lives, they ended with Everybody (Backstreet's Back). The audience screamed for more, but the Boys just thanked everyone for coming and exited the stage. The girls pushed their way to the backstage area. Amber and Christy presented the guard with their passes, and he let them through, leaving Claudia and Sam outside. Amber and Christy located the Boys after searching for a couple of minutes. Howie waved the girls over. "Hey nice to see you again," he said. He continued talking as he led Amber and Christy to where the rest of the group was standing. They greeted the girls and began talking with them. A couple of minutes into the conversation, Christy asked Kevin, "I have a couple of friends outside waiting for us. I was wondering if they..." "Oh, it's no problem," Kevin didn't even let her finish the sentence. "I'll send Brian to get them." "Hey Amber, go with Brian to get Claudia and Sam." "No!" She protested. "You go; I want to stay here." "Oh excuse me," Christy said. "I don't want to interrupt your precious time with Nicky-poo." Amber's face turned bright red, but Nick just laughed. Christy and Brian went and retrieved Sam and Claudia, who were eager to meet the rest of the guys. They introduced themselves to the Boys and the group continued talking for an hour. Christy looked at her watch, then pulled on Amber's arm, indicating that it was time to go. Amber shook her head, unwilling to pull herself away from Nick. AJ noticed Christy's gesture and commented, "Well I guess you guys have to go." "No, we don't," Amber argued. "Yes, we do," said Christy emphatically. Sam glanced at Claudia. "We should go to," she said. They said good-bye to the group and headed to the exit. Amber, however, would not leave so easily. Christy opened her mouth to give Amber a piece of her mind, when Nick said, "Hey, you guys wanna come to dinner with us tomorrow?" "Sure," Amber quickly accepted. "But what about...," Christy began to remind her cousin of something. "No, we don't have to do anything," Amber said. "Good," said Nick. "Meet us at the Floridan Resort at 6:00pm." "Alright, we'll see you there," Christy said as she dragged Amber away. They said their good-byes and Christy and Amber headed to the parking lot, still overwhelmed by the last 24 hours of their lives.

Amber leaned over her still sleeping cousin, hoping she would soon awake. After waiting a couple minutes, Amber became impatient and yelled in Christy's ear, "It's time to go to dinner with the Backstreet Boys!" Christy jumped out of bed and turned to look at the clock. "You nerd," she threw a pillow at Amber. "It's only 7:00am. We still have all day." "We have to go shopping though," Amber told her. "The mall opens at 9:00!" With that, Amber bounced out of her room, leaving Christy alone to get dressed in peace. Two hours later, Christy and Amber pulled up to the mall located near their house. Amber quickly got out of the car and walked to the entrance, while Christy took her time. Amber stood with her arms crossed, waiting for her slow cousin to catch up. When Christy arrived where she was waiting, Amber grabbed her arm and dragged her into the mall. As they walked through the mall, Amber began to stress out about what to buy. "What kind of dress should I get?" she asked Christy frantically. "I don't know," Christy answered. "Something fancy." "I know that," Amber rolled her eyes. "But should it be long or short? And what color? I know Nick likes green..." Her voice trailed off as the girls wandered into Macy's. They spent 20 minutes searching for clothes they liked, then headed toward the dressing rooms. They modeled the ones they picked out, then finally decided which ones to buy. Amber picked out a short dark green dress with spaghetti straps that fitted to her body. From the waist up, Christy's dress was black velvet with spaghetti straps. The long skirt was layered with the bottom being dark, while the top 2 layers were sheer. The girls made their purchases and headed home. The day passed slowly, but it finally came time to meet the Boys. The cousins walked into the Floridian, both feeling pains of nervousness. They waited for the guys, Christy bit her nails and Amber kept making lame jokes. After a couple of minutes, Christy announced, "I can't do this!" she stood quickly and, not paying attention to where she was going, ran straight into Kevin. "Hey Christy," he said. "Where are you going?" "I was just...uh...coming to find you guys," Christy made up an excuse, her face turning red from embarassment. Brian told the hostess that they had reservations and the group was led to their table. They talked while waiting to order their food. Back at Christy's house, her mom was on the phone with Sam, who had called looking for the cousins. "Oh they won't be back until late this evening," said Mrs. Thomas. "Do you know where they went?" Sam inquired. Mrs. Thomas paused and thought. "Oh yeah, they went to dinner with some guys," she recalled. "Backstreet something. I guess they are really famous." "Do you know which restuarant they went to?" Sam asked excitedly. "The Flordian," Mrs. Thomas told her. "Ok thanks so much!" Sam hung up the phone, and turned to Claudia and Erica, her sister. "You'll never believe where they are! They went to dinner with the Backstreet Boys." Claudia stood up. "Well what are we waiting for?" she said. "Let's go!" At the Flordian, the girls were engrossed in converstation with the Boys. "Nick," Amber said seriously. "What's up with that picture of you kissing the dolphin? It's on every website." Nick looked confused. "What picture are you talking about, Amber?" While she was explaining the picture, Howie began waving to somebody. Everyone turned to see who was behind them and saw Claudia, Sam, and Erica walking toward them. Amber and Christy looked at each other. "Dang it," Amber said, disappointed that they wouldn't be alone with the Boys. They greeted the three girls and Sam introduced her sister Erica to the guys. Claudia, Sam, and Erica took their seats next to Howie, Brian, and AJ, respectively. A couple of minutes later, a waitress came by and took their order. An awkward silence fell over the group. "So," Erica said. "AJ, seeing anyone?" "No, not at the moment," he answered. "Cool," Erica wore a satisfied smile. The food arrived and everybody busied themsleves with their meals. After they finished eating, they discussed what to do next. "Hey, why don't we go back to my house and kick it?" Kevin suggested. "Okay." Christy accepted for the rest of the girls. Kevin gave them directions and they decided to meet up again at 8:00pm. They departed company and Amber and Christy drove to Christy's house to change clothes. An hour later, the cousins made their way to Kevin's, hoping not to get lost on the way.

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