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Chapter 1

By: Victoria S.

When I sit back and think about my life, my accomplishments, the first thing that comes to mind are the Backstreet Boys. You might be thinking the Backstreet who? But the truth is that when I was a teenager they were popular. They were the kind of guys that everyone loved. Everyone wanted to meet them, to hang out with them. I was one of the lucky ones that did. My father was the guy who owned Jive Records. Me being the pride and joy of his life, his one and only daughter, I got to meet all the bands that he handled, and all the bands that his friends at other companies handled. Some of the big ones that I met were: Britney Spears, *NSYNC, and of course the Backstreet Boys.

When I met Britney, I instantly hated everything about her. The way she talked, and the way she walked, thinking she was "all that" made me sick to my stomach. She had such an attitude and ego about her fame. It was very obvious that she thought she was better than everyone else. My dad even disliked her, but he always said "anything that makes money." So, in order to make money he had to put up with all of her crap. I met *NSYNC at a concert of theirs. My father gave me five front row tickets, and backstage passes. I of course took my four best friends: Rose, Cloe, Sophie, and June. Cloe was a huge *NSYNC fan, so it was a dream come true for her. I never really was into that type of music, so I didn't really care when I met them. Justin, the lead signer took a liking to Sophie and he invited us all to dinner. I basically stayed quiet the whole night, because to me there were so boring, dull, so like every other guy I had met. It was nothing special. I couldn't really figure out why all the girls liked them.

My whole life, up until the age of thirteen when I met my best friends I had always kept to myself. I was a very reserved, quiet person, always getting straight A's, never having many friends due to the fact that I never associated or opened up with anyone other than my family. When I met Rose, Cloe, Sophie, and June all of my views changed. About a month before my thirteenth birthday my fathers company, Jive moved to Orlando, Florida. Of course my family of five: my parents, my half-sister from mother's previous marriage, Erika, my younger brother Steven, two dogs, cat, and ten fish made the move from the small town where you knew everyone and everyone knew you, Duluth Minnesota to the big city of Orlando, Florida. The first few days of school where hard, but after about a week June came up and introduced herself to me. I instantly became friends with the 5'5", red-headed, brown eyed, bubbly, happy-go-lucky girl. She introduced me to her friends, Rose, who was 5'6", had long brown hair, and blue eyes, Sohpie who was 5'5", had medium length jet black hair, and brown eyes, and Cloe who was 5'4" had short brown hair, and green eyes. We all became good friends right away, and soon became best friends.

I just realized something. You don't even know my name. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rebecca Wyman. I am forty-four years old right now, as I am telling you this story. I was seventeen when this all this took place. I was 5'7", had long blonde hair that ran down my back, and blue-green eyes. I was always the athletic type, going to the gym frequently, and always eating healthy. When people met me, they always thought I was so "beautiful," but I really didn't feel pretty. OK, so I had blonde hair, blue-green eyes, a model's body, and a picture perfect smile, but I still didn't feel pretty. There was something that I disliked about me. I couldn't really figure out what it was, but there was something.

Anyways, your probably getting sick of hearing me talk about myself, so let me get back to my story. One day when I came home from school, my father was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. This was a daily routine of his. He would put his feet up on the coffee table, turn on the radio, and sit and read the newspaper. As I walked into the room he looked up, and said "Come sit here, honey. I have a surprise for you."

I of course ran over to the couch, because of my excitement.

"What is it, daddy?" I asked.

"Do you know who the Backstreet Boys are?" he asked.

"The Backstreet who? Who are they?" I asked puzzled.

"Their one of the groups on my record label. I saw them today for a business meeting, and I told them that I had a daughter that might be interested in meeting them.."

"Oh dad! Do I really have to?"

"You mean, you don't want to?"

I shook my head no. I was sick of meeting the people that worked for him. It got old after awhile, especially if the people you kept meeting where people that you disliked.

"Why not?" he asked concerned.

"Because if their anything like Britney Spears, and *NSYNC, then.." I began to say.

"Their NOTHING like Britney and *NSYNC, trust me.. They are so down to earth, and so much fun to be around. You'd love them. Especially Nick."

"Who's Nick?"

"He's the youngest member of the group."

"Why do you say that I would love him?"

"Just because your personalities are the same, and so are your interests. And plus, he certainly thought you were cute when he saw your picture up on my desk," he said with a smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh dad! Your embarrassing me," I said looking down to the floor, my cheeks beginning to get a little flushed.

"Don't be embarrassed. That's nothing to be embarrassed about! He thought you were cute, take it as a compliment."

"I don't even know the guy.."

"I know you don't. That's why I want to introduce you to him. And to the rest of them. Trust me on this one."

"Alright dad, I'll trust you. I'm gonna go do my homework now.. I'll see you at dinner." I got up from my seat, and gave my father a kiss on the cheek, walking out of the room, up the stairs, and to my room. I knew I had to call one of my friends, so I decided to call June. I sat down on my bed, and reached for the phone which was on the nightstand. I dialed her number, and waited for her to pick up. Ring.. Ring.. Ring.. Ring.. Ring.. Ring.. And then finally, she picked up.

"Hello?" June asked out of breath.

"Finally!" I said.

"Hey, Rebecca! Sorry about that.. I was playing basketball with my sister, and I heard the phone ringing from outside."

"That's alright," I said. "That explains why your out of breath."

"When are you going to the gym again? I really need to start losing some weight.."

"June, how many times do I have to tell you. You look great!"

"Oh yeah? Well, then why don't I have a boyfriend?"

"I don't have one either!! And either does Cloe or Sophie.."

"I know.. Rose is the lucky one out of us."

"Don't worry. Just be patient. It will happen. One of these days," I said with a sigh. I rolled over on my back, and looked up at the ceiling. "Anyways, the real reason I called was to ask you a question."

"Go on."

"Do you know who the Backstreet Boys are?"

"Of course I do! I mean, who doesn't? They are ONLY the cutest and most talented group of guys.. Other than *NSYNC of course."

I rolled my eyes. "How is it that I have never heard of them?"

"I have NO clue.. Why do you ask?"

"Because my dad told me that he was gonna arrange for me to meet them."

"Really? Oh wow, that's awesome! You have all the luxuries..."

"So do you."

"Not as much as you! You get to meet famous people ALL the time, and you live in a house the size of my whole neighborhood put together.."

"I know, but sometimes, it can be a royal pain in the behind. Anyways. Do you know what my dad said?"


"My dad told me that Nick saw my picture on my dad's desk and thought I was cute. At first I didn't want to meet them, but my dad wants me to very badly, and plus, after I heard what my dad told me about Nick, I kinda wanna know what he looks like."

"Just open up a magazine, you'll be sure to find a picture in there..."

"Hey, that's a great idea! I'm gonna go now. I'll call you back later.."

"Alright. Talk to you soon, Rebecca."

"Bye bye, June.."

I put the phone back in its cradle, and looked around for all of my magazines. I went to my desk, and took a big box that I had under it out. Inside I had all of my magazine dating back a few years.

"I should be able to find a picture in here.." I thought beginning to scan a magazine that I thought would have some good pictures in it. A few minutes later there was a knock on my door.

"Whoever it is, go away," I said. "I'm busy!"

"Rebecca... Come on, let me in!" said my older half sister Erika. Erika was three years older than me, which meant she was twenty. She went to college out her in Florida, and in order to save up money, she decided that she would keep on living at home.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Just to talk.. Come on, let me in."

"Alright, come in," I said hesitantly.

Erika strode in, and took a seat on my bed. "What are you doing?" she asked looking at all the magazines thrown all over the floor.

"Looking for pictures of a certain group," I said without taking my eyes off the magazine.

"Need any help?"

"No, thank you," I said glaring at her.

"God, what is your problem?" she asked angrily. "Why are you so pissed at me all the time?"

"You know very well why I am pissed at you! Just get out, alright?" I said beginning to raise my voice.

"No, I won't. Not until we talk about it."

"There is nothing to talk about. What's done is done, and nothing you say, or do will change it or even make it better!" I said getting out of my seat. "Get out!"

My sister wouldn't budge from the bed. Alright, if she wasn't going to leave, then I was. I grabbed a few magazines, and walked out of the room. Erika followed me.

"Rebecca, stop! Please, stop!" she said grabbing my shoulders and spinning me around. I decided to give her a chance. Maybe she had something useful to say. I doubted that, though.

"Let me just explain, alright?"

I didn't say anything. I just looked her right into the eyes. Trying to find some clue as to what she was about to say.

"What happened between me and Jon was a mistake. I have told you this many, many, many times before."

"How could you go and do that to me? You knew that I liked him! And yet, you went and stole him from me!"

"Stole him from you? He was never yours to steal!"

"Ugh! I can't believe that I am speaking to you.. Please, leave me alone. I am very upset at what you did, and I really don't know if I can ever forgive you."

With that, I turned and walked down the stairs towards the living room in search for a picture of Nick. I sat down on the couch, and thought about my conversation with Erika. OK, so maybe she was right. I guess, Jon was never really mine. I guess what she did was alright. Its just that thinking about it hurt me so bad. See, Jon is this guy in my class who I have been head over heels in love with for sooo long. All the way from 9th grade till the grade that I am in now, 12th. Up until a few weeks ago he never noticed me, never even looked in my direction. But one day, that all changed. I was sitting at the regular lunch table that my best friends and me always shared, and he just came up to me and asked "Is this seat taken?" I was so in shock, all I could do was nod my head no.

He sat down, and we began talking. I invited him over for dinner one night, and that was the night that Erika and him became "closer." I could tell that she liked him, fom the minute he stepped foot in the house, but I never thought that my own sister, my own flesh and blood, well, from mo mother anyway, would ever act on her feelings. But, I guess I was wrong. She did act out on them. She acted out on them right in my bedroom. Right on my bed. That's what hurts me most. I mean, she could have just as easily done whatever she wanted to do with him in her room, but no, of course not. She felt that she had to do it in my room. Its like she wanted to get caught or something. Anyways, I have forgiven her, of course, but it didn't happen right away. It took time, and it took a lot of long talks. I wonder what Jon is doing now.. Probably divorced, with five children and a belly the size of Texas. God, what am I talking about? Back to my story..

The next few days went by fast, without even a thought of the Backstreet Boys. I never did see a picture of them, so Nick was still a mystery man. He was a figment of my imagination. I pictured him as a somewhat tall, somewhat short guy, probably about 5'8", with brown hair, and light brown eyes. I also pictured him with tattoos down both sides of his arms, pierced ears, and lots of jewelry on. Don't ask me why, I had this image of him, but that is the way I pictured him. Since I had no picture to go by, I just had to use my imagination. And I was always known for having a very good one.

That next night my family was sitting around the dinner table eating dinner, when the phone rang. I went to go answer it, and of course, like always it was for my father. "Business," he said getting up from the dinner table. He went to the kitchen and took the call. We all put our silverware down, waiting for my father to re-join us at the table. A few minutes later, after a lot of "Yes's," and "Alright's," my father came to the table, and said "I'm really sorry to do this, but I must go. The Backstreet Boys are in town, and we have some business we must discuss before their next concert," my father said. Right when I heard "the Backstreet Boys," I sat up in my seat, and transfixed my eyes on my father. He noticed that I did this and asked "Would you like to come with me, Rebecca?"

I knew that I hated that type of music, and I knew from my father that it was like *NSYNC's, that R&B, pop type sound, but I so desperately wanted to know who this mysterious Nick was. My father always spoke good things of him, and I mean, he thought I was cute, so.. "Sure, dad, I'd love to go," I said with a smile. "Just let me go and change." With that said, I pushed my chair back, and rushed out of dining room and up to my room to find the perfect outfit for the occasion. I really don't know why I was going to all this trouble to impress Nick, and the rest of them, I mean, I didn't know all of their names, and I didn't even know what they looked like.. I don't know what it was, but I just knew that I had to make a good impression. I guess that old saying is really true: "First impressions can last a lifetime.." I opened up my closet door, and looked inside. I knew that I couldn't go for anything too fancy, because it would appear that I was dressing up for them, and I knew that I couldn't go for anything too plain and casual, because I would look to low-key. So, I decided to go for something in-between. I put on my light green sun dress on, and I put on my white sandals. I walked to my bathroom to put on my makeup. I put on my light blue eyeshadow, some clear mascara, and some new shiny lip gloss that I had just bought the other day at the mall with Rose and her boyfriend, Joshua. I brushed through my blonde hair, and decided to just leave it down.

"Rebecca, come on! Let's go!" my father yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back. I looked at myself in my mirror, and said "Perfect.." I walked down the stairs, and my dad's eyes grew big.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, no, nothing," he said. "It's just that you look so.. So..."

"So what?"

"So grown up.."

"Well, that does happen. You know, I am seventeen."

"Yes, hunny, I know. Now, let's not keep the guys waiting.. Especially Nick," he said with a smirk on his face. "And I mean, you did get all dressed up for him.."

"How do you know that I did all this for him?" I asked.

He opened the door for me, and we walked out. "Because, I'm a dad. I know these things.."

We walked to our garage, and got in his 99' silver Mercedes Benz. The whole way to his office we talked about the guys, and my dad explained to me once more that I was sure to love them. I couldn't help but laugh at the way he kept referring to Nick. He would say things like "you know, Nick's favorite color is green." And then he would look down at my green dress and smile. Or he would say something like "Nick is sure to like that perfume that you are wearing." It was so cute how he was trying to set us up. I didn't know anything about him, he knew nothing about me, and I didn't even know what he looked like, and yet, my father knew for sure that we were meant to be. I thought it was hysterically funny. When we arrived at the office, I was hesitant to go in with him, because of the fact that I was so nervous. I had butterflies in my stomach the whole ride down there. It was very strange. I had never felt so nervous about meeting new people. I didn't know what it was, but it was weird. My father parked the car, and we walked into the office.

"Hello, Mr. Wyman," said his secretary. "The Backstreet Boys are in your office, and have been expecting you."

"Thank you, Nancy," he said. Then he turned to me and said "Ready?"

I shook my head no.

"Oh, come on, ya big baby!" he said. He took my hand, and led me in his office. When we walked in, I saw a tall, very sophisticated, handsome, model-like man, standing just a few feet in front of me.

"Hunny, I would like you to meet Kevin Richardson." Kevin stuck his hand out, and I shook it.

"Hi, my name is Rebecca."

"Kevin," he said with a smile.

I turned to my right, and I saw a somewhat short, Latin looking guy, around the age of twenty-five or so with a pulled back ponytail. "This is Howie Dorough," my father said.

"Hi, I'm Rebecca," I said shaking his hand.

Next, my father pointed to an athletic, somewhat short guy, with a blue hat that read "K" on it.

"My name is Brian Littrell..," he said with a southern drawl.

"Rebecca," I said extending my hand.

Then, I turned to my left, and there stood Nick. I couldn't believe it. He looked exactly the way I had pictured him. He was wearing a white wife-beater, which revealed his many tattoos going down the sides of his arms, had gold earring in his ears, and when he extended his hand, he wore many silver rings. I couldn't believe that the way I had pictured him was the way he really looked. It was amazing.

"Hi, my name is AJ McLean," he said. AJ? AJ? This was AJ, and not Nick? OK, so maybe I was wrong. Maybe I hadn't pictured Nick. I guess I was picturing a different guy all along. "Strange," I thought.

"Rebecca," I said extending him my hand. I guess he could tell that something was wrong because of the puzzled look on my face, he kind of looked at me strangely.

"And this," my father said with a huge smile on his face "is Nick." I looked to where he was pointing. He was standing by the bookshelves, with his body leaned up against the books. He shifted his body, and began walking towards me, looking me up and down as he walked. My father noticed this, and smiled. He turned and walked over to his desk, leaving us to talk. As he walked, I noticed his facial features. He had short blonde hair, and the most beautiful, most clear blue eyes that I had ever seen. His lips were rounded, and they formed a small pout, and his smile was so beautiful. He had a smile that could light up the whole entire room.

"Hi, I'm Nick," he said showing off his pearly whites.

"Hey, I'm Rebecca," I said doing the same.

"I've heard a lot about you.."

"Oh yeah? Like what? Good things I hope.."

"Well.." he said hesitating. "Nah, I'm just kidding. Yes, all good things. Your father can't stop talking about you."

I blushed, beginning to get a little embarrassed.

"Oh, please don't be embarrassed," he said. "I love giving out compliments.. Especially to those who deserve them."

With that comment I became even more embarrassed than before.

"OK, gentleman," my father said. "Shall we get to work?"

Everyone nodded their heads, and sat down in the big, black leather chairs that my father had in front of his desk. My father pulled up a seat for me right next to him, and that's where I sat. The meeting lasted about twenty-five minutes, and went great. My father was right about the fact that the guys were all very down to earth. Brian and Nick were the jokesters out of the bunch, and I knew how much I loved a good laugh. But then again, I also liked a lot of romance also, a wild, crazy guy. AJ seemed to have all of those qualities in him. As everyone sat around talking, I just mainly listened, and watched. I studied each of the guys, and the way they were. Howie was such a sweetie. You could tell right off the bat that he was a very sweet guy. Brian seemed to be a real down to earth, athletic, funny, Jim Carrey sort of guy. Kevin was the oldest, so of course he was the father-figure of all of them, always having his little bro's backs. Then, there was AJ. The wild, rambunctious, crazy, flirt of them all. I loved guys like this. They had this certain aura about them. This certain something. Then, of course, their was Nick. He was so damn cute, so adorable looking. Kind of like the little baby, teddy bear kind of guy out of the group. Man, he was hot. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. But, I couldn't keep my eyes off the guy that I thought was Nick. AJ. Little did I know, that Nick and AJ, both couldn't keep their eyes off me also.

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