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That's What He Said

Nick Carter was late. Again.

I sighed and took a sip of the third Coke I'd had since I arrived at McDonald's. A glance at the black face of the stainless steel Gucci watch he'd given me last Christmas told me I'd been waiting for over an hour. I absentmindedly picked at the lint on my blue sweater and scanned the restaurant to make sure I hadn't missed him, but my boyfriend was no where to be seen. Okay five more minutes, I told myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tall blond guy burst through the doors. Nick spotted me and grinned, but I didn't return his smile. Seeing my cold reaction, his cheerful look faded and he walked quickly over to the booth, plunking himself down in the seat across from me.

"Hey baby," he reached over across the table and placed a kiss on my mouth.

I pulled away. "Nick do you know what time it is?"

"Kayla, I'm sorry," he pulled off his hat and ran his fingers through his tousled hair. "I didn't realize how late it was.. and then Brian called because I left my beeper there... did you already eat?"

I shook my head.

"Good!" he exclaimed, sliding out of his seat. "I'm starving. What do you want?" I put in my order for the usual quarter pounder, then sat thinking as Nick stood in line. As my eyes traveled over his face, I realized that I hadn't seen him in over three months. The Backstreet Boys had just wrapped up their "Into the Millennium" tour and were now on a 6-month hiatus. I had been able to travel with them for a few weeks while they were over in Europe, but school and work had prevented me from seeing them while in the U.S. I hoped this break would give us more time to spend together and work on our relationship, which, although enduring, had a tendency to falter. I was deep in thought when Nick came back to the table with our food.

"Earth to Kayla, come in Kayla," he said, waving a french fry in front of my face.

I snatched the fry out of his hand and bit into it. We were silent for a couple of minutes as we both dug hungrily into the food.

"Do you have to work tonight?" he asked.

I smiled for the first time since he had arrived. "No.. I requested the night off, so I could spend it with you."

"Great! Brian's having a little get-together at his house this evening. I told him we were coming." My face fell and I stared down at my food, willing myself not to cry.

Nick lifted my chin with his hand. "Baby, what1s wrong?" he asked softly.

I shook away from his touch and struggled to keep my voice from breaking. "Nothing...I guess I was just hoping that we could go out tonight.. alone. Nick, I haven't seen you in 3 months!"

"I know that! Do you think it's been easy for me?" he said defensively.

"It's just that Brian invited us and I thought it would be rude to turn him down. All the guys are gonna be there."

"It's not like you haven't seen them," I mumbled sarcastically.

"Kayla," he sighed. "We'll go out tomorrow. I promise. Just please do this for me tonight."

I met his gaze, then nodded in resignation. He smiled, then continued eating. I listened to him talk about their tour, but my mind wasn't completely focused on what he was saying. I couldn't believe he had committed to that without asking me! I felt anger swell up inside, but quickly suppressed the emotion and managed to look interested.

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