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Chapter 3 "Reunion: Life After Death" By Kelly K. Edited by Victoria S. I slowly walked upstairs, and plopped myself on my bed. I rolled over to pick up the phone and call Brian, but I couldn't. I meant what I said, but it had come out the wrong way. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. I couldn't take back what I had said, but it was haunting me. I stared carefully at the clock and noticed it was almost time for me to go out with Emily. I really didn't want to go, but what was I supposed to do? I already had told her yes, and I hated backing out on people. I got up, made my way to the closet, and began thumbing through the clothes that I had. I laughed at the sight of "old lady clothes" and soon realized my young days were over. I couldn't go clubbing in a work outfit. I called Emily and explained the situation. She told me not to worry and that she would be over in a little bit. We hung up, and I made my way to Katie's room.

"Katie," I said while knocking on the door. "Honey, please let me in, we need to talk."

Katie ignored me. She was angry at the fact that I yelled at Brian. I barged in the room and said, "Look Katie, you don't understand why I said those things. I am going to work all this out with Brian tomorrow night at the concert, ok?"

"You still wanna go to the concert?" She replied.

"Of course, honey," I said, making my way to her bed. I sat down on the edge of it and continued, "I want us to go and have fun. And besides, it will be your first concert and I am sure it will be the best."

Katie smiled, "Of course it will be the best, it's the Backstreet Boys!"

"Oh yes, the Backstreet Boys rule, right?" I said, trying to act all cool.

"Whatever mom."

I gave her a hug, then walked out of the room. I was halfway down the hall, when I remembered that I needed to tell Katie that I was going out tonight. I made my way back to her room.

"Honey, Emily and I are going out tonight. Mrs. Young is going to watch you, so be on your best behavior. I am not sure what time I will be home, but don't wait up, ok honey?"

She nodded in argeement, and I left her room. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and made myself a quick snack. Soon after that, Emily was at my house. She came waltzing in with a dress in her hand.

"This is for you," she threw the dress at me, and pointed towards the stairs, hinting for me to go try it on.

I inspected the dress closely, and noticed that it wasn't my style, but I didn't say anything. I went to my room, put the dress on, applied some make-up and then came back downstairs.

"Kel, you so have to wear things that this more often," Emily complimented me. "You look so pretty. I am sure all the guys will want to dance with you."

I stuck my tongue out at her, and while making our way to the door, we said quick good byes to Katie and Mrs. Young.

We arrived at the club and walked in shaking our hips to the beat of the music. We sat down at the bar and a cute bartender made his way to us.

"What can I get you lovely ladies this evening?" he asked.

"I'll have a strawberry daiquiri," said Emily.

He turned to me, gave me a seductive smile and said, "What about you?"

"I'll have a sod--"

"She means," Emily said, interrupting me, "she would like the same as me."

I nodded my head in argeement and then once he turned away, I smacked her.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Kel, come on, you know you wanted one," she said with a wicked smile.

I gave her a nasty look, but I guess deep down inside I did want a drink. The bartender came back with our drinks, and Emily and I moved to a table. I was concentrating on my drink, while Emily was scoping out the scenery. Her eyes grew big, almost spitting out her drink in the process.

"What?" I inquired.

I turned around and saw Brian, a blonde girl next to him, Kevin, Nick, and another girl standing next to him. I turned back around quickly and slouched in my seat. Emily started laughing, but my kick made her shut up. They walked past us, but Nick just had to say something.

"Hey Kelly!"

"Hi Nick," I said, trying to sit back up in my seat.

Brian turned to see who Nick was talking to, and just kept walking. I got up and followed him.

"Brian!" I shouted.

"What do you want Kelly?" He said rather rudely.

"I want to talk to you." I pointed to the door, and he nodded his head, seeming to understand.

When outside, I hesitated, searching for the correct way to approach him about the whole situation.

"I want to apologize for earlier, " I began. Apologiess were never really my thing. I took a deep breath, continued. "I didn't want what I said to come out the way it did, but unfortunately, I guess I screwed things up. I really need you in my life, Brian. Brent held you very dear to his heart, and I still do. I don't want our friendship to be ruined over something so dumb and stupid. Even though we have very different schedules, I still want to try and see if we can work things out. My daughter really looks up to you guys, and I want her to get to know you better. She wants to get to know you better. And most of all, Brian, I want to get to know you better. We have lost a lot of time, but we can always make up for that.. What do you say? Friends again?"

He smiled at me, and nodded his head. "I'd like that."

"Good. I'm very happy to hear you say that. How about you come over tomorrow at around 5 or so, and you, Katie, and me hang out for awhile. Maybe go catch a movie or something."

"Sounds like a plan. Do you mind if Kevin comes?"

I didn't respond for awhile. I wanted tomorrow to be spent with just the three of us.

I guess he noticed my hesitation, because he put his arm around me, and said, "I already made plans with Kevin, that's why I am asking for him to accompany us. But if you want, I am sure I can arrange to get together with him later on tomorrow. Would you like that?"

"No, Brian, it's fine. I don't mind. Bring along Kev.."

"Thanks, Kell! Your the best! Now what do ya say about coming inside. I want to introduce you to someone."

"The blonde?" "Yeah, the blonde... That's my baby."

"Whatever happened to Samantha?"

"Long story! I'll tell you about it all tomorrow.."

With that, we turned, and headed into the club, ready to dance the night away.

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