BSB on Celebrity Deathmatch!

Well, it finally happened. The fag five were finally on MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch. Here's what happened for those of you who happened to miss the joyous event . . .

Backstreet Boys vs. Beastie Boys

The Beastie Boys and the Backstreet Boys were supposed to fight in these robot thingies. The Beastie Boys’ design had lasers and bombs and stuff with an extra stereo system, and the BSB’s design had lasers and rockets and a vanity table. Anyway . . .

They climb into the robot, and the Beastie Boys all say in unison, “WHERE’S THE BEER?” and then in the BSB robot, Brian sings (yes, SINGS) “Let’s do it for the fans,” and then they say a bunch of other stuff I can’t really remember . . .

Anyhoo, the BSB are winning. They’ve chopped off the Beastie Boys’ robot parts and then the Beastie Boys suddenly start spinning around and then they fire a missile through the glass . . . You wanna know what happens?



Then anyway, the BSB realizes Howie’s dead and they really don’t care. Who would? They try to beat the Beasties, but they can’t. “I’m telling y’all it’s SABOTAAAAAAGE . . .”

Then finally, the Beastie Boys grab Marlon Brando out of the audience and jam him into the BSB’s tailpipe, which explodes. None of the BSB survive. All in all, quality viewing.

Until now, Good Fight, Good night!

. . .P.S.: Wanna see it? You've gotta have REAL PLAYER for this:

Backstreet Boys vs. Beastie Boys

