An 'N SYNCable Halloween . . . Oh yeah, and the BSB is in it too

It’s that time of year again in O-town. People are dressing up and going from house to house in search if candy. How does the fab five spend their night of fright?

Chris: Oh goody, it’s Halloween, my favorite time of year!

Joey: Yeah we get free food and junk

Justin: What you gon be fo Halloween homie?

Joey: Superman

Chris: Dude, I didn’t realize we had to dress up

Justin: Well ah gon be straight up from the ghetto foo! We be cruisin the streets in my Benz . . . if my mommy will let me

JC: Well you guys go on ahead and go trick-or-treating. I’m gonna go get some shut-eye.

Lance: I was going to go as Marilyn Monroe, but think I’m going to stay in too. I need to redo my nails anyway

Chris: Aw dude, you’re no fun

JC: Well we’ll just see about that when you look all baggy eyed in Seventeen magazine

Lance: I’ve got a concealer that can fix that, you know

Chris: Dude, well you guys can stay in for the night. We’re going trick or treating

JC: Just be sure you’re home by nine. I’m not going to stay up late waiting for you anyway

Joey: *Coming out in his corny Superman costume* How do I look?

*Everyone bursts out laughing*

Joey: *confused* What?

*Justin goes into his room and comes out a minute later dressed in Tommy Hilfiger stuff, including a beanie, wallet chain, and big puffy jacket.*

Chris: Hey Justin, where’s your costume?

Justin: Yo foo, this IS mah costume!

JC: You dress like that every night

Justin: So?

Chris: Well, we’re going now. See ya later

JC: Y’all be back by nine and not a minute later, you hear?

Lance: Oh, and do be careful!

A few hours later, they’re walking down the street almost finished trick or treating

Chris: Dude, Joey, what happened to all our candy?

Joey: Hmph?

Justin: Aw damn you ate all our candy, foo!

Chris: Dude, this sucks

Joey: We can always go to more houses

*Suddenly they hear a rustle in the bushes*

Justin: You, what was that homie?

*They hear the rustle again*

Justin: *Runs and hides behind Joey* I want mah mommy!

Chris: *Smacks Justin in the head* Dumbass. It was probably the wind dude

Joey: I’m hungry

Chris: Dude, I guess we’ll have to go home now

Joey: *Checks his Superman watch* It’s not even eight o’clock yet

Chris: I could’ve sworn we’ve been here longer

Justin: *Crying uncontrollably* I can’t stand dis y’all! I want my momma!

*The bushes rustle once more, and out of the foliage pops out . . . The scariest monster ever viewed by human eyes!*

*Justin screams with horror*

Chris: hey Howie. Long time no see.

Howie: *wink, drooool* Hey Chris

*Suddenly Nick Carter pops out of the bushes too*

Joey: Hey babe

Chris: *Looks from Nick to Howie to Nick again.* What were you guys doing in the bushes together?

Nick and Howie:……

Meanwhile, back at the house . . .

JC: Oh god Lance! Where are they? I’ve been worried sick! When they come home, I’m giving them a good spanking!

Lance: Shh. It’s okay JC. I’m sure they’ll be back soon. Would you like me to give you a massage in the meantime?

JC: *stares at Lance like he’s a weirdo* Hell NO!

Lance: Well, JC, they haven’t been out that late, you know

JC: Oh no? It’s 9:03! ! ! Of all the irresponsible . . . We have a photo shoot tomorrow!

*His race turns beet red and steam comes out of his ears*

Lance: *sniff* Don’t yell at me!

JC: *rolls his eyes* Just wait till they get home.

Back on the streets . . .

Chris: So Nick, Howie, lemme get this straight. You guys are gay lovers?

Nick: *looks down at the ground* umm, no

Joey: It’s not as if they don’t already know

Howie: *wink* WHAT?! *drool*

Justin: They don’t call you Sweet D fo nothin foo!

Howie: *wink, drool* Oh no! My career is ruined!

Chris: So where are the rest of the guys anyway?

Nick: They’re out somewhere. We snuck away from them. By the way, where is that hottie Lance?

Justin: The Big Daddy and Lance be loungin at da crib, yo

Howie: *wink, drool* . . .?

Chris: Dude, he means JC and Lance are at home

Joey: I’m hungry

Nick: So am I

Chris and Howie: You’re always hungry!

Justin: Let’s bounce back to da crib yo!

Everyone: . . ..

*Suddenly, the BSB appear out of nowhere*

Joey: Whoa you guys appeared out of nowhere!

Me: No shit, I just said that you idiot

Joey: Oh yeah

AJ: The gay faggots here?

Nick: Hmm?

Kevin: Where the hell were you?

Joey: They were in the bushes over there

Brian: Dammit you fucking faggots had better stop all that shit!

Howie: *wink, drool* Sorry B-rok

Meanwhile, back at the house

JC: *pacing around* Look at the time, it’s 9:10! I’m gonna have their heads for this!

Lance: Calm down JC. You’re upsetting me

JC: Sorry Lance, but like I said we have a photo shoot tomorrow

Lance: What time is that?

JC: 5:30.

Lance: In the morning?!

JC: Of course not. We need eight hours to get ready

Lance: Isn’t that a little too much?

JC: *growls* It needs to be PERFECT! Perfect, you hear?

Lance: *cringes* Well you don’t have to take it out on me. *Lance starts to cry and mascara runs down his face*

JC: *rolls his eyes* This is going to be a long night

Back on the street . . .

Joey: I’m still hungry

Chris: Dude, you’re always hungry

Nick: I’m hungry too

Kevin: You eat too much, you fat albino

Howie: Don’t call my Nicky fat!

Suddenly there is another rustle in the bushes

Chris: Dude what is it now?

*This time, instead of a pop teen idol singing group, out of the bushes comes a monster! (No, a less ugly one this time)*

Everyone: Aaaaaaaaagh!

Teenybopper: Oh, my god, it’s the BSB and Joey, Chris and Justin from N SYNC!

*Squeals* I love you Nick and Justin!

Everyone turns to run, with the Teenybopper following close behind. Unfortunately, she is one of the heavier types, and she quickly loses sight of them

Teenybopper: Wait! *gasp* I gasp* just want your autograph! *gasp*

Justin: Yo, that was close homies

Nick: *can’t speak because the strain of running two blocks has taken a toll on his lack of athletic ability*


AJ: Shit, I need a smoke


Brian: Howie, quick, you run out there and wink at them while we run away

Howie: *wink, droooool* Why me?

All of BSB: Because you’re the gay ugly one {~Thanx Here We Go for the Inspiration!~}

Howie runs out to the crowd of teenyboppers and starts to wink at them. The teenyboppers squeal and are hypnotized by his frequent eye spasm

AJ: Okay, let’s run before Howie catches up with us

Nick: Noooo! Howie!

Kevin, Brian, AJ, Justin, Chris, and Joey look at each other and nod.

Justin: *Throws Nick into the crowd of squealing teenyboppers*

Nick: Aaaaaagh!

*Sounds of clothes ripping and screams erupt the air as the teenyboppers realize how ugly Nick looks without clothes on*

Everyone else runs and hops into Justin’s Benz

Brian: HURRY before they catch up to us!

The teenyboppers have now entirely lost all their interest in Nick and Howie and are running after the car screaming, “Justin, Justin!”

Justin: Don’t even think about it, foo! This be MY Benz we drivin in and ain’t nobody be throwin me outta my own car!

Joey: I’m still hungry


*Joey shuts up*

*The Benz makes its way into the O-town ghetto and the guys realize that this may not be the best idea*

Justin: Yo we be up in the ghetTO homie

AJ: I need some crack or I’m gonna die

Joey: Yeah I need a snack too

Everyone: …..

*The car slows down and the guys hear a noise at the side of the door*

Kevin: Oh god more teenyboppers!

*The door opens to reveal Howie with a limp Nick in his arms*


Howie: *wink, drool* What?

Meanwhile, at the house . . .

*JC is in the recliner chair sleeping*

*Lance is sitting beside the fireplace painting his toenails and glancing nervously at the clock, which now reads 11:25*

Boring huh? Well, anyhoo . . .

AJ: I thought we lost them

Howie: *wink* nope. We found you! *Drool*

*They’re all squashed in the car when they hear another noise at the car door*

Justin: what the hell is it this time?

Chris: Dude, look what you did Justin! Your ghetto wannabe ass got us in trouble again!

*Everyone looks out the window to see a gang heading towards the car, ready to jump them*

Suddenly there is the horrible sound of glass cracking and the gang breaks the window and reaches inside.

Justin: Oh my Benz! My mommy’s gonna kill me!

Kevin: Let’s get outta here!

*They all rush out of the car*

The gang continues to break into their car

Justin: *crying hysterically* My Benz, my beautiful Benz!

*Suddenly a gang member pulls out his gun, aims it, and shoots Howie dead.*

Everyone watches as Howie falls to the ground

Chris: Dude, and he owed my twenty bucks, too.

Brian: So what do we do now?

Nick *looks at Howie for a moment, then back at Chris* Hey, is Lance still single?

Chris: Yeah dude

Joey: I’m HUNGRY!

*Joey eats all the gang members whole*

Joey: burrrrp!

Justin: *Still crying hysterically* My mommy’s going to be so mad when she finds out about my Benz! *Sniffs*

Chris: Dude, well there’s nothing left to do but go home

Everyone agrees to go home to N SYNC’s place and crash there for a while

Back at the house . . .

Lance: Oh my, what is that noise?

JC: Lance, shut up. I’m trying to sleep

Lance: But I heard a noise outside

The door opens and Joey, Chris, Justin, Kevin, Brian, AJ, and Nick walk in


Justin: *sniffs* Well, Joey told us the time

Joey: Yeah, it’s only 8:55

JC: Joey, you dumbass, it’s 11:40!

Joey: Oh

Lance: *Spies Nick in the doorway* Nicky, is that you?

Nick: Hey baby

AJ: Well, I got to be goin now. My GIRLFRIEND *he smirks at JC* is waiting for me at home

JC: *tackles AJ* Why you asshole . . .

To be continued (we promise!)
