I've Got PROOF!

HA! You see that? It's pure proof in the pudding. Nick and Howie's secret is revealed to the world! Howie's arm is around Nick, who's got his arm protectively gripping Howie's shoulder (Grrr) while blowing a kiss to . . . ? But seriously, this has got to be the gayest picture of them both. CAN'T YOU SEE IT?!?!?! I even had to buy a ~:shudder:~ Teenybopper magazine to find this! ! ! Look at AJ trying his best to ignore them while Kevin is just entirely fed up with the whole situation and giving up. My scanner's not big enough to fit Brian, but let me tell you this . . . The guy looks wistful and definitely wanting to get a piece of the action!

Email: boyband_oasis@hotmail.com