We Love The BSB!

Why We Love the BSB

Well..... Sunnie and Daisy anyways

Okay, so we've been getting hatemail about us dissing the BSB. After reading the last guestbook entry, we (Daisy and Sunnie) have decided that enough is enough. Hasn't Sunnie kinda cleared that up in her own words? Hell, it's Backstreet month here. This is why WE love the BSB.... enjoy!

Oh, and


PLEASE stop e-mailing us about this,because we are perfectly aware of it. We're not stupid, you know, and like we said, this IS a joke! J-O-K-E

. . . But this particular pic kinda makes you think, eh?

Anyway, on with the nice stuff~

Kevin is really hot

Brian is really sweet

AJ is really funky

Nick is really.... blonde

--Okay, okay. He has a good voice. I'll give you that. When he's not whining

Howie is really...... really......really.......uhhh...... Sweet?

Their fans are very **cough cough** defensive!

~Okay, now on to the kinda-sorta-serious stuff~

Even though Brian battles heart problems, he still continues to pursue his singing career and bring joy to his fans. What a guy, eh?

Kevin doesn't seem to bitter about not getting too many solos . . . BUT-


    BTW, we happen to LOVE "I Want it That Way"
  • It's Sunnie's fave song

They toured in the Philippines like 3 or 4 times and Peachy has seen them on all promo tours!

AJ just has really cool style- and he's secure enough with himself to go through with them!

Howie comes from a really good family, from what I hear

Nick and Aaron seem to be real close for brothers. I mean, if I had a brother who sang, I sure wouldn't be bringing him on tour with us!

They really do seem to care about the fans

They decided to help out Rackney Spears by putting song clips on her CD

They've got good taste . . .

. . . kinda

But all in all a bunch of all around good guys

+ They believe in God and anyone who does automatically gets a good spot in our books :)

So there ya go. Hope you kinda get a clearer vision on our opinions here. Yes, we DO plan on buying "Milleniumm" when it comes out. Can't wait for the songle to "IWITW" and "Show Me the Meaning..."

See?! We really DON'T hate the boys. We just find it easier to rag on them, that's all ;)
