*N SYNC Philly Review

By Marla

Ok, this concert has been raved about on all the TV stations and ever since I got tickets in January I have been ecstatic to see it. All my girl friends were jealous of me, while the guys had ignorant comments like, "Nsync? They Nsuck!" Was it up to my expectations? Oh yes! I have organized the concert into different categories for your viewing enjoyment...

~Looks (Perhaps the most important of the categories)

*Justin- Oh man does this boy ever not look good? His baby blue fetish was apparent when he came out in baggy blue adidas pants and jersey. Let me tell you his hair looked awesome, (blonde with the roots showing) and when they did close ups of this guy I was freaking out (no lie, ask the people who are now deaf from me screaming)!
*JC- My second fav looked très sexy in his jersey with his arm muscles showing. You know that JC is popular when 40 year old women are calling his name! (They sat behind us and were kind of freaking us out, I mean ok N Sync is great, but shouldn't they be listening to oldies or something?) I was kind of disappointed with his hair, now he has these curls going?? I don't know what it's about but I blocked it out of my mind when he was in his all white suit. One word: DAMN.
*Lance- Aw! Lance must have been wearing some bronzer of some sort because he didn't look like an albino! (or perhaps he was tan from hosting MTV's Spring Break in Cancun) The boys were wearing the same outfits in different colors, but I must say he did look GOOD.
*Joey- Let me warn you now, I do not like Chris or Joey. For all I care they can be kicked out of the group and live on the street (ok that was harsh but you get my drift) putting my disgust for Joey aside, he looked ok. He somehow always made his outfits look like something out of Mafia Magazine (if there is one...)
*Chris- Ew. Hint for all aspiring celebrities: ponytails are for girls. Chris has his usual trademark braids in a high ponytail, and he looked kind of fat in his jersey.Overall Rating: 8.5


The night started out with the guys dressed in day-glo suits handing poles back and forth. I felt like I was in the premiere party for Star Wars.
Whatever, once they got started, I did not sit down. JC and Justin were of course the over-all best dancers, and I was not surprised when Justin did his hoochie grinding moves (not to say I didn't appreciate them hehe). For all the fast-paced songs the guys kicks and moves were oh so sexy. My seats were in the 200 level on the side, (which in laments terms means crappy seats) but I can say this, you can always pick out which one was Lance. His dance moves were weak but I give him props for trying (hey his eyes make up for it, ok?) The best part of the whole concert was when the guys were lifted up in the air by levers in "Sailing." For JC's solo, he was lifted up first, and on top of the whole center, flying with his arms spread out in his white suit. He was soon followed by the other guys. The best part? The guys were lowered down where the audience could touch their feet and legs and stomachs (or for me some other places...) These were for only the lucky people with floor seats which ran about $1000, but I can guarantee it was worth it. The guys soon did flips and twirls on the levers. Joey of course tried to pull of a superman stunt, but ended up being stuck on the lever and needed help to get out of it when he landed. (way to show off for the ladies Joey). Another part of the concert got a CC (that stands for cute and corny) there were three different era's the 60's, 70's and 80's.

60's: cute- the guys dressed up and sang the song "Thing You Do" from the movie, corny- JC and Chris sang with the other guys "playing" instruments. Um sorry Joey, the rucus you were making on the drums didn't look like you were playing, but rather like a guy smashing on the symbols.

70's: cute- the guys dressed up in afros and 70's disco wear. They sang ABC by the Jackson Five. Chris was of course picked to play Michael's part because he has the gayest voice of the group. corny- the guys dressed up in afros and 70's disco wear.

80's: cute-I really can't classify what exactly they were wearing but they sang "Celebrate" you know that song Celebrate good times, come on! Lots of little streamers came down. corny- Joey sang it, and as long as Joey is singing, I can not celebrate good times. In a whole the performance was awesome and worth sitting through Joey and Chris's solos. (I guess the manager felt bad because they never sing)

Overall rating: 10!


The guys sounded fantastic, in the beginning of "I Drive Myself Crazy" it was sung ocapella. Although I love JC, I must admit he liked to hog the spotlight and make facial expressions to show his talent. When the screen showed his solos he liked to squint and clench his jaw bone-- hey if looking constipated makes you sound good JC, go right on ahead... (Once, I even saw him push Joey away one time... ok that didn't happen) . For "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You" Justin came to the very last line of the song when all the girls started screaming. He tried again, but was again blocked out by the thousands of screaming girls (which included ahem... me). He smiled and laughed but you could tell he was getting pissed off ("What's up wit this yo? I wanna finish my song...")
Finally, Chris whispered something in his ear, probably (finish the fu**ing song) and Justin made a big huge finale for the last line.
In "Tearing up my Heart" the part where they sing, "if you want me girl let me know" the whole audience freaked out, which included the 40 year old women standing behind us.
"For the Girl Who Has Everything", a group of girls were waiting patiently while the guys sang to them. Screw that, if I was on stage with them I would profess my love to Justin and JC , while the other girls could be serenaded by the butt-buddies oops I mean Joey and Chris. Overall, the guys completely blew me away with their amazing singing.
Sadly though, they never sang "Giddy Up" and I was oh so looking forward to hear Lance sing his only line, "girl are you alone."
Overall Rating: 10

~Opening Acts-

Even though this has nothing to do with NSync, I promised to give you the whole sh**-load of information on the concert.
So...the first opening act was B*Witched, a new group from Ireland and I must admit they were adorable.
Their bubbly lyrics and Irish Dancing was so cute. They sang two other songs, "Rollercoaster" and their debut song "C'est la vie" (For those of you who take French like moi it means that's life)

The second opening act was Tatyana Ali. She sang "Daydreaming" and "Everytime". I was thoroughly disappointed her voice cracked on many occasions, and they tried to make up for it by having her guy dancers take off their shirts (and no it didn't work).

At the end, she played Will Smith songs and danced to them. Um, way to go. I wish I had thought of something as creative as doing Will Smith's moves to Will Smith's songs. She then took out a camera and got a picture of the audience (corny) she claims it will be something to remember us by. Hey, I wonder if you can also remember us by me shouting, "you suck!" and giving you the finger. (JK- I love Tatyana, I was just a tad bit disappointed that night).
Overall rating: 8

~Do's and Don'ts-

*Don't pay $27 for a shirt, get one from a scalper like I did for $10. (or get it free like my friend when the cops came)

*Don't argue with 40 year old women about who is better, JC or Justin.

*Don't drag your boyfriend/guy friend along with you. You can not believe how many guys were sitting pissed off in their seats, cursing Nsync for being so lovable.

*Don't deck yourself out in NSync gear (writing on your face, T-shirt you know the whole deal) it's not like the group can see you, and if they somehow do, they would just think you're obsessed and psychotic.

*Don't tell people about your shrine to Justin, (no matter how many pictures you have)... you will look really pathetic and gay.

*Do listen to Nsync on the way to the concert, it will get you pumped up for the events to come.

*Do make a point to all the teenyboppers in the crowd that they do not stand a chance with Justin/JC/Lance/Joey/Chris (you choose).

*Do hit the person's head next to you several times by "mistake" while swaying to see how many times it takes before they freak out. When they do, tell the usher.

*Do sing really loudly to get the people next to you annoyed.

*Do bring binoculars if your seats suck, or ask the random people next to you to borrow theirs.

*Do tell people in the stadium that your dad's brother's cousin's friend's next door neighbor's wife's daughter knows NSync and see if they

a) believe you
b)look confused.

*Do tell people with better seats than you that they lowered the prices for the t-shirts/brochures 50% so they get up and leave.

*Don't believe people when they tell you they lowered prices of t-shirts/brochures 50% because they just want your seats.

Thanks for the review, Marla! LOL. Luv it!

Any rave reviews will be gladly posted up! E-mail us with them!

Email: boyband_oasis@hotmail.com