No Authority Pictures

This is our very first section on No Authority . . . The cute surfer boys from California! Woo hoo! Hometowners! (Actually, they're from Long Beach, but that's not too far off, now isn't it?)Oookay, now on to the bashing! ! !

Ricky: Looking good, looking good . . .
Eric: Someone get him off my back please . . .
Danny: Dude . . .

Daisy: Apparently, Fly Gurl is paranoid about people stealing her scanned pictures . . .
Fly Gurl: ........
Ricky: Okay, now who's been calling me a faggot?
Josh: I have GOT to get away from these losers!
Eric: My, my, aren't we spiffy today?
Danny: Dude . . .

Aww, he looks so young, so innocent, so . . .surfer-boy. Believe me, we've got ENOUGH of those here in Cali!

Send us pics cuz we really need some! Please!
