Not Another Boyband . . . .

Surfing on the web again, I happened to come across a new UK pop singing boyband "sensation" called Skandal. Now, being that this is a BOYBAND page, after all, I decided to add stuff about them to our happy little site.

First of all, This is what they sound like:

Gonna Make You Mine

And this is what they look like:

Clockwise, upper left: Darren, Steve, James, and Matty

They look like a bunch of College students from ITT Tech

And here is my take on them:

Now they seem like a nice group of aspiring guys, but really, does the music industry have enough room for them? Their song is okay. It's acceptable, considering it's their debut single. Apparently, they're up and coming in the UK and Asia (Why is it ALWAYS them? HUH?!) but as of yet have no plans of coming to America this Spring. They're from the UK too (Hey, if they're a boyband, they're either from the UK or Orlando . . .)

But that doesn't mean I won't be watching for them. I plan on doing more research on them as well as the plethora of many other hopeful boybands. But as for now, Skandal will have to do. More will be added on them during the week. :)










Okay, so now it's later in the week and here I am to tell you more about Skandal . . . .


Hi, I'm Darren, The loud one of Skandal or "The Mum" as the lads call me; which I hate!! (But someone has to look after them). I am 18 and come from Herne Bay in Kent. I have a really big family; There's Michelle(17), Gavin(13), Daniel(11), Ben(10), Jordan(5) and Laura(3). So when I go home I'm kept really busy!!

As far as I can remember, I've always wanted to do what I'm doing right now. When I was younger I use to be involved with the local Theatre Groups, so I've always known I was born to be on stage. Performing and meeting all our fans is the ULTIMATE!!

Thanks for all your support (And the laughs!!!) that you've given to Skandal. Without you we wouldn't be able to do what we love.

So Thanks!!

Love you all Lots of Love

Darren (The Spiky One)

Darren's Personal Info

Name: Darren Keating

Age: 18

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Blonde

Fave Smell:  I love loads of different after shaves.
(at the mo' I am in to Cool Water)

Fave T.V. Show:  Friends (I love it)

Fave Film:  Titanic

Fave Band/Singer:  Madonna and I like a lot of pop music.

What's Your Nickname:  I haven't really got one
(Matty calls me Dan though)

What's More Important, Love or Money:  Love

What Is Your Sexiest Feature:  Eyes

What Is The Most Expensive Item Of Clothing You Have Bought:  A pair of trousers for £140.


My name is Matty MacKenzie, I'm 18 years old and was born in Milton Keynes. I have a brother (Lee) who is 24 and a sister (Joe) who is 22. They're both cool!

I love to sing, muck about and have a laugh, especially with my mates back home who have really supported me, even though they thing I'm mad!

I've been in Skandal for 12 months now and have loved every minuet of it. We all live in a flat together that's a bit hectic, but good fun. sometimes it's hard work, but no one said it would be easy.

My ambition is to be the next Robbie Williams, but who knows.

My advice to anyone who would like to sing and take it seriously, is to go for it and never give up!

The fans are cool and have supported us from the beginning, and I'd like to say a big thanx to you all!

I'd also like to say I love my mum and dad very much for always being there for me.

So goodbye and all be good!


Matty's Personal Info

Name: Matty MacKenzie

Age: 18

Eye Colour: Hazel

Hair Colour: Blonde

Fave Smell:  Hugo Boss (And I like the womans one as well).

Fave T.V. Show:  Never Mind the Buzzcocks

Fave Film:  9

Fave Band/Singer:  Oasis/Robbie Williams

What's Your Nickname:  Kenzie

What's More Important, Love or Money:  Love

What Is Your Sexiest Feature:  My nipple Ring!!!!!

What Is The Most Expensive Item Of Clothing You Have Bought:  A Puffa Jacket


Hi Everyone this is James from Skandal here. I was born James John Cohen in a very nice hospital in Isleworth. The Cohen family consists of my Mum, Dad, my 21 year old brother Matthew and my cat Molly! I've always loved to sing, dance and act, so at the age of nine I joined a Youth Theatre Group that led me onto Stage School (Sylvia Young Theatre School). I learned a lot at school and had some of my best times there. I also made some very special friends who continue to support me today.

I've always wanted to do what I', doing now. Not only do I get to perform (which I love), I've also been fortunate enough to meet a lot of very interesting people including famous ones as well as YOU the fans! The people who make all this possible. Without you I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today. So THANK YOU!!!

Remember, stay loyal and I hope to see YOU soon.

With Love,

James xxx

James's Personal Info

Name: James Cohen

Age: 17

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Brown

Fave Smell:  CK One/Tommy (Sport)/Cool Water

Fave T.V. Show:  Eastenderrs/T.O.T.P./Streetmate/TFI Friday
(The list goes on!!!)

Fave Film:  Pretty Woman (At the Moment)

Fave Band/Singer:  Maxwell/Kylie

What's Your Nickname:  I don't really have one, any ideas?

What's More Important, Love or Money:  Love

What Is Your Sexiest Feature:  My eyes

What Is The Most Expensive Item Of Clothing You Have Bought: A Jacket (Very nice it is too)


Hi, I'm Steve West.  I was born and brought up in Nottingham, then a year ago I went for an audition and two weeks later I was in a boy band called Skandal.  I have one brother called Simon who is 19 years old and in the Royal Marines and a sister called Tanith who is 5 and at primary school.  My dad is named Nigel.  I like all sorts of music - House, Speed Garage and especially 2 Pac and N-Sync.  However, I listen to all chart music to keep up to date.  In my spare time before I joined Skandal, I used to go to a Dance centre called Hoofers where I did Modern dance, Tap and had singing lessons.

I would like to thank everyone who's supported us this last year.  We wouldn't have been able to come this far if it wasn't for you.  Thanx, see you soon.


Steve's Personal Info

Name: Steve West

Age: 16

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Brown

Fave Smell:  Tommy Hillfigure

Fave T.V. Show:  Jerry Springer

Fave Film:  Rush Hour

Fave Band/Singer:  2 Pac

What's Your Nickname:  I don't really have one, any ideas?

What's More Important, Love or Money:  Love

What Is Your Sexiest Feature:  Hair

What Is The Most Expensive Item Of Clothing You Have Bought:  A Jacket

Watch for more SKANDAL comin' atcha!

~Fly Gurl
