In Our Own Words . . . The Backstreet Boys

In Sunnie's Words

Okay just give me a chance to vent here. Most of the hatemail we recieve is in retaliation of our opinions on the Backstreet Boys. Let me set this straight. 2 out of 5 of us flat out don't like them at all (Peachy and Weezer- call it a cousin thang). 2 of us actually like them (Me and Daisy) and 1 (Fly Gurl) couldn't care less.

These are our opinions here. Please don't send us death threats because of them. Weezer and Peachy just don't like them. I'm sure a lot of you Backstreet Boys fans don't like one thing or another but do YOU get blamed for it? I'm sure you don't, so lay off. Another thing is that this page is a HUMOR page. There have been about thirty warning signs telling you to leave. If you really are as mature as you want us to be, you should have left, simple as that. No melodramatic crap, no foaming at the mouths. I've been to many anti-'N SYNC sites. They've said stuff you wouldn't believe. But I understand that I was the one who agreed to come into the page in the first place and I actually ended up liking them. They're plain hilari-ass. Now people who refuse to READ the plain text in front of their faces and send us hatemail, go right ahead. But don't blame us because the fact that you agreed to come in here and being fully aware that Yes, We do happen to diss "Your men" is just plain stubborn. Seriously, folks (woah I said SERIOUSLY!) if you can't handle it, you might as well not try it.

Another thing I feel compelled to point out is the fact that there ae way more 'N SYNC humor pages than there are on the BSB. Also I have noticed that it is mostly the BSB fans that diss 'N SYNC, while most 'N SYNC fans like both. I do, anyway. What's with the whole BSB-'N SYNC fan rivalry thing anyway? Jeez. [Look under our causes to find a banner against that] They say that 'N SYNc copied the BSB. Now people, both groups came out around the same time. (Well, actually the BSB a bit before 'N SYNC). And where would the BSB be without NKOTB? Explain to me that and don't give me crap about them being "NOTHING ALIKE".

Now back to my point about there being more 'N SYNC humor sites than the BSB. I guess it's because many of us can take a joke. We say Timberlake is a ghetto wannabe, you laugh. We say Nick Carter sings off-key, you threaten our lives. In the words of the elusive JuJu himself, "Wassup wit dat y'all?"

You have to admit. It's easier to poke fun at 'N SYNC because we know more about them. We've done most of our promoting around those sites. I don't know much about the BSB myself but this month I'll be surfing the net this month teaching myself the whole Backstreet-ness Schmeel. I'll see what they have to offer. But please people. We can't satisfy everyone. stop the madness. And if you really are smart like you say you are, then do what's good for ya and LEAVE.
