Top Tens

Top Ten . . . Yeah you've seen them on just about every other site so we decided, why the hell not? Here ya go . . .

Why Lance is Dating Topanga

  • To defy Johnny Wright
  • He's from Mississippi
  • He's been real lonely ever since Toby died
  • So that Joey will lay off him
  • To play down the fact that he is really a girl in disguise
  • She paid him
  • He really needed the styling tips
  • His favorite Looney Toon is Taz and she sorta reminds him of it
  • Cuz Justin wanted her too and now Lance is using Danielle as a sort of a "compromise" . . . The girl for more singing parts and hip thrusts
  • She's teaching him how to "dance" he he

Why JC is so Pissy

  • He can't get some
  • Joey keeps him awake during the night with his whores
  • He didn't get his usual 20 hours of sleep
  • No one really likes his lil' jazz versions
  • Justin is the popular one, not him
  • His hair gel somehow seeped into his skin, causing some internal damage and taking over his brain
  • It's that time of the month
  • Lance keeps taking his hair gel and bugging him about manicures
  • Lance doesn't dance perfectly
  • Nikki. 'Nuff said

    Why Kevin Can't Sing
  • He's 26 and therefore too old to be singing, yet too hot to be thrown out
  • Brian won't let him. They may be cousins, but hey, showbiz can be tough
  • He's only there to take off his shirt, put it back on again, and look seky
  • AJ stuffed his pot stash in Kevin's bag and somehow Johnny found it and wouldn't let Kevin sing
  • He doesn't have extremely big nostrils, pubic hair on his head, a crack-pot appearance, nor does he have blonde hair and is a faggot. All in all, he's too normal and hot to be singing
  • Nicky threatened to give him a blow job
  • He's got the dirty job: Keeping Nick and Howie away from each other
  • He's from Kentucky (Hey the Mississippi thing works for Lance, why not try out the southern thing with Kevin?)
  • He's afraid that if he does, Howie will come and wink at him
  • Nick the Dick stole all his parts

    Top Ten Things You'll See at an 'N SYNC Concert *Taken from real-life experiences*
  • JC's ultra-stupid golf hat
  • 'N SYNC T-Shirts and other rip-off expensive crap
  • There will always be a group of valley girls there, weaing slutty T-shirts and holding up signs sayin, "God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on 'N SYNC" and thinking they're all original
  • Hip thrusts galore
  • Beanie Babies for Lance, even though you know he already has them all and gives the rest to charity
  • Teddy bears for the guys. Doesn't matter that they ditched toys when they were 8. Just the thought of JC's gelly-head resting on it in a mere 4 hours is enough for you to go out and buy a big fuzzy attached with your name, address, telephone number . . .That's why I went out and bought one for the Dallas, TX show ;)
  • A plethora of FUBU jerseys and North Carolina Gear. Gee. Wonder who THEIR favorite guy is, huh?
  • Scores and scores of frustrated parents
  • Stupid idiots who paint the guys' names on their faces. I can't even begin to tell you how much this pisses me off. "Oh gee, do ya think Justin will be able to see that I can spell his own name from section 231?!" First off, they guys know their own names for cryin' out loud. Second of all, they're not liable to fall for a girl who plays with magic markers.
  • Baby blue, baby blue, and more friggin' baby blue
    Send any Suggestions here