When the Lights Go Out, Get Yourself a Bad Boy and Giddy Up!

When the Lights Go Out, Get Yourself a Bad Boy and Giddy Up!

Ooh..looks like Britney really sucks.... in more ways than one!!!

04.14.00...Hola mis amigos! Ohmygawd it's been a long time since we've updated! Not to worry folks, we're all alive! But, hey.. looks like I'm all alone on this site. Yep, 'tis me, Sunnie, your ever faithful Boyband Oasis Crew Member. Oh, Oreo Sprout is around somewhere, and Weezer, Daisy, and everyone else are just as lazy as I am.. Peachy's got the college thing going on, Chiquita Banana's got other ::cough:: commitments.. hehe [go visit "Everybody's Free to Make Fun of N Sync" and you'll find her there], and wel, I guess that leaves only me. I've missed ya. I've missed this site and I miss getting e-mails, so SEND EM ON OVER!!

Now for all you people out there that are new or are wondering what the heck I'm doing, this site has been up for over a year ::sniff:: and the people who created this site decided to go on an extended sabbatical, so it's been quite awhile since we've updated.

But guess what! Since I'm all alone here, I'm looking for someone who might want to join me in this thing here... I mean, sheesh, I could use the extra help. Another thing, if anyone wants to combine sites or something, email me here and we'll work things out. YOu could send me a sample of your work too, and I'll see what I can do.

As for updates... well, I'm in the midst of it, so you may find some stuff here soon. I'm giving the site a makeover, and I've also got to find time to work on the other two sites. So there you go. I'm going to be as busy as heck for the next few weeks so I'll desperately need the new members. It's kind of hard to make fun of boybands when you don't even like them, let me tell you. I've lost interest in boybands, but I haven't lost interest in you! [yeah that was corny...]

So I guess it would only be appropriate to end this with a resounding...


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The Boyband Oasis features special stuff on one specific boyband each month. That's why you might be seeing more features on one particular band this month. The Boyband we're focusing on right now is . . . 98 Degrees. Why? 'Cuz they really are "The Hardest Thing". he he. We'll be bringing you concert reviews and all sortsa fun stuff. We Cherish them alright!
Last updated: October 9

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Fly Gurl: Fly Gurl BB
Peachy: Peche240
Sunnie: SunnieSync
Nova Una: Nova Una M
Ginger: Sync98gurl
Crunkgirl: Shazam_Chic
ChiquitaBanana: GinyNaBotl
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