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Heat It Up

Beginner/Intermediate, 32 Count, 2 Wall
Choreographed By: Bryan McWherter (9/99)
Music: Heat it up (98 Degrees)

Kick & Rock, Kick & Rock, Kick & Rock, Kick & Touch

1&2& 	Kick Right foot forward(1), Step Right foot in 
        place(&), Rock Left foot to Left side(2), Step 
        Right in place (&).

3&4& 	Kick Left foot forward(3), Step Left foot in 
        place(&), Rock Right foot to Right side(4), 
        Step Left in place (&).

5&6& 	Kick Right foot forward(5), Step Right foot in 
        place(&), Rock Left foot to Left side(6), Step 
        Right in place (&).

7&8 	Kick Left foot forward(7), Step Left foot in 
        place(&), Touch Right toe to Right side(8).

Touch, Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Hitch, Touch, Swivel, Swivel, 
1/4 Bump Turn (Rockin My World)

9&10& Touch Right toe to Right side(9), Step Right 
      foot in Place(&), Touh Left toe to Left side
      (10), Step Left in place(&) 

11&12 Touch Right toe to Right side(11), Hitch Right 
      knee in front of Left Leg(&), Touch Right toe   
      to Right side(12).

13-14 With heels together swivel them Left(13), 
      swivel Center(14).

15&16 1/4 Turn to Left Bumping hips in a counter clock 
      wise motion(15&16). 

Touch, Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Hitch, Touch, Swivel, Swivel, 
1/4 Bump Turn (Rockin My World)

17&18& Touch Right toe to Right side(17), Step Right 
       foot in Place(&), Touh Left toe to Left side   
       (18), Step Left in place(&) 

19&20  Touch Right toe to Right side(19), Hitch Right 
       knee in front of Left Leg(&), Touch Right toe 
       to Right side(20).

21-22  With heels together swivel them Left(21), 
       swivel Center(22).

23&24  1/4 Turn to Left Bumping hips in a counter 
       clock wise motion(23&24)

Right Vine,Touch, Rolling Vine to Left, Touch

25-28  Step Right to Right(25), cross Left behind 
       Right(26), Step Right to Right side(27), Touch  
       Left beside Right(28).

29-32 	Step Left 1/4 turn to Left(29), on ball of 
        Left foot pivot 1/4 turn left stepping Right 
        to Right side(30), on ball of Right pivot 1/2 
        turn to Left stepping Left to Left side(31), 
        touch Right toe next to Left foot(32).

Begin Again!

** Variation for counts (29 - 32) regular Vine to Left.

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