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Choreographed by: Bryan McWherter 4 wall, 32 Count, Intermediate (6/01) Music: Red Alert by Basement Jaxx
STEP, CROSS, FULL TURN, DROP, STAND, ISOLATIONS 1-4 Step right to right side(1), cross left foot behind right(2), Full turn unwind left(3-4), *Making sure weight is evenly distributed and both feet are shoulder width apart. 5-6 Drop into crouched position(5), stand up lifting right side of rib cage(6), 7&8 Keeping weight on left foot, isolate rib cage left(7), right(&), left(8), KICK, STEP, ROCK, STEP, KICK, STEP, ROCK, STEP, ROCK, STEP, KICK, STEP, ROCK, STEP, TURN STEP 1&2& Kick right foot forward(1), step right foot next to left(&), rock left foot out to left(2), recover weight back to right(&), 3&4& Kick left foot forward(3), step left foot next to right(&), rock right foot out to right(4), recover weight back to left(&), 5&6& Rock right back out to right(5), recover weight back to left(&), kick right foot forward(6), step right next to left(&) 7&8 Rock left back out to left(7), recover weight back to right(&), make 1/4 turn to left with left(8), *Should now be facing 1/4 left of your line of dance. ROCK, STEP, STEP, SAILOR STEP, CROSS STEP, STEP, CROSS, STEP, TOUCH 1&2 Cross rock right over left(1), recover weight back to left(&), step right slightly to right side(2), *Counts 1&2 should be done at a 45 degree angle to your left. 3&4 Cross step left behind right(3), step right slightly to right(&), step left slightly to left(4), *Counts 3&4 should bring you back to wall 1/4 left of your line of dance. 5-6 Cross step right over left(5), step left to left side(6), 7&8 Cross step right behind left(7), step left to left side(&), touch right next to left(8), SKATES RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, WALK RIGHT, LEFT, ROCK, STEP, HOOK 1-4 Skate Right(1), Left(2), Right(3), Left(4), *Counts 1-4 (Swivels) progress forward SLIGHTLY! 5-8 Walk forward on right(5), then left(6), &78 Rock right to right side(&), left step to left side(7), Slide drag right to left hook right behind left(8). *Counts 5-8 similar to T.G.I.F. BEGIN AGAIN! Choreographer Contacts: or This step sheet presentation is copyright © 2001 by All rights reserved.