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Got The Feelin'

Choreographed by: Wanda Holbert, 7/23/99. Description: 4 wall, line dance. Level: Intermediate/Advanced. Counts: 88 steps/108 movements. MUSIC: "Got The Feelin"- Five
COUNTS / STEP DESCRIPTION ROCK STEPS, HEEL JACKS 1-2 Rock forward and step onto right foot, rock back and replace weight onto left foot. 3-4 Rock back and step onto right foot, rock forward and replace weight onto left foot. 5 Cross step right foot over in front of left. &6 Step left foot back at an angle, present right heel forward. &7 Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot over in front of right. &8 Step right foot back at an angle, present left heel forward. 1/4 TURN PIVOTS, JAZZ BOX &9 Bring left foot to home position, step right foot forward. 10 Pivot 1/4 turn left. 11 Step right foot forward. 12 Pivot 1/4 turn left. 13-16 Right Jazz Box. ROCK STEPS, STEP SLIDE 17-18 Rock forward and step onto right foot, rock back and replace weight onto left foot. 19-20 Rock back and step onto right foot, rock forward and replace weight onto left foot. 21-22 Step right foot big step to right side, slide and touch the left toe next to right. 23-24 Step left foot big step to left side, slide and touch the right toe next to left. 1/4 TURN PIVOTS, JAZZ BOX 25-28 Step right foot forward, pivot 1/4 turn left, step right foot forward, pivot 1/4 turn left. 29-31 Right Jazz Box. ROLLING GRAPEVINE RIGHT, GRAPEVINE RIGHT 32-35 Turn 1/4 right as you step right foot forward, turn 1/2 right as you step left foot back, turn 1/4 right as you step right to right side, cross step left foot over right. 36-39 Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot behind right,step right foot to right side, touch left toe next to right foot. ROLLING GRAPEVINE LEFT, GRAPEVINE LEFT 40-43 Turn 1/4 left as you step left foot forward, turn 1/2 left as you step right foot back, turn 1/4 left as you step left foot to left side, cross step right foot over left. 44-47 Step left foot to left side, cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot. KICK-BALL-SLIDE 48&49 Kick right foot forward, step right foot to right side, slide left foot next to right and step on left. 50&51 Kick right foot forward, step right foot to right side, slide left foot next to right and step on left. 53&54 Kick right foot forward, step right foot to right side, slide left foot next to right and step on left. 55&56 Kick right foot forward, step right foot to right side, slide left foot next toright and step on left. TOE SWITCHES, HEEL TAPS, 1/2 TURN PIVOTS 57&58& Touch right toe forward, step right foot to home position, touch left toe forward,step left foot to home position. 59&60& Touch right foot forward, raise heel, lower heel, step right foot to home position. 61-64 Step left foot forward, pivot 1/2 turn right, step left foot next to right, touch right toe next to left. KICK-BALL-SLIDE 65&66 Kick right foot forward, step right foot to right side, slide left foot next to right and step on left. 67&68 Kick right foot forward, step right foot to right side, slide left foot next to right and step on left. 69&70 Kick right foot forward, step right foot to right side, slide left foot next to right and step on left. 71&72 Kick right foot forward, step right foot to right side, slide left foot next to right and step on left. TOE SWITCHES, HEEL TAPS, 1/2 TURN PIVOTS 73&74& Touch right toe forward, step right foot to home position, touch left toe forward,step left foot to home position. 75&76& Touch right foot forward, raise heel, lower heel, step right foot to home position. 77-80 Step left foot forward, pivot 1/2 turn right, step left foot next to right, touch right toe next to left. 1/4 MONTEREY TURN, 1/2 MONTEREY TURN 81-84 Touch right toe to right side, pivot 1/4 turn right and step right foot next to left, touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to right. 85-88 Touch right toe to right side, turn 1/2 to right stepping right foot next to left, touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to right.
NOTE: On the third wall, you will omit both rolling vines, then continue the dance as usual! HAVE FUN! "OUTTA STEP, OUTTA LINE, GO TO JAIL!!" Email Wanda Here

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