Choreographed by Mikey Tabakian 64 counts, 4 wall dance, Intermediate/ Advanced Music: Pop by N'Sync, Diamond Dogs by Beck
WALK, WALK, CROSS, STEP, SWIVEL, SWIVEL, SWIVEL, BEND DOWN, STAND UP 1-2 step right foot forward(1), step left foot forward(2) 3 cross step right foot behind left foot(3) & shift weight foward onto left foot(&) 4-6 swivel to right side(4), swivel to left side(5), swivel to right side(6), 7-8 bend down at the waste(7), stand up(8) *NATURLAL STYLING: After you're last swivel to the right you should be in a natural 45 degree angle to your right. From here do your counts 7-8 in this angled position. HIP BUMPS, KICK, STEP, POINT, 3/4 TURN 1&2& bump hips left(1), right(&), left(2), right(&) 3&4 bump hips making a 1/4 turn left(3), right(&), left(4), *NOTE: You should now be facing 1/4 turn left from your original wall. 5&6 kick left foot forward(5), step sligtly back on left foot(&), point right toe forward(6) 7-8 make a 3/4 turn to your right on your left foot bringing your feet together(7-8) *NOTE: Weight should end on your left. KICK, STEP, TOUCH, KICK, STEP, TOUCH, KICK, STEP, TOUCH, KICK, STEP, TOUCH 1&2 kick right foot forward(1), step right foot into place(&), point left toe out to left side(2), 3&4 kick left foot forward(3), step left foot into place(&), point right toe out to right side(4), 5&6 kick right foot forward(5), step right foot into place(&), point left toe out to left side(6), 7&8 kick left foot forward(7), step left foot into place(&), point right toe out to right side(8), TOE/HITCH, HEEL/TOE, HOLD, TOE/HITCH, HEEL/TOE, TOE/HITCH, HEEL/TOE, SAILOR 1/4 TURN, SAILOR STEP &1-2 pivot left toe 1/8 to right while hitching right knee across left (&), bring left heel into place while you point your right toe out to right side(1), hold(2) &3 pivot left toe 1/8 to right while hitching right knee across left(&), bring left heel into place while you point your right toe out to right side(3), &4 pivot left toe 1/8 to right while hitching right knee across left(&), bring left heel into place while you point your right toe out to right side(4), NOTE: To break down the counts above. You are traveling to your right by pivoting on your left leg. Toe, Heel, Hold, Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel...similar to the "Dwight Yoakam" Toe {with a hitch}(&), Heel {with a toe point}(1), Hold(2), Toe {with a hitch}(&), Heel {with a toe point}(3), Toe {with a hitch}(&), Heel {with a toe point}(4). 5&6 right step behind left on ball of foot(5), left step side left on ball of foot(&), right step into a 1/4 turn right(6), 7&8 left step behind right on ball of foot(7), right step side right on ball of foot(&), left step into place(8) WALK R, L, R, L, HEEL FANS OUT, IN, OUT, IN, OUT, IN, OUT, IN 1-4 walk forward right(1), left(2), right(3), left(4), &5 Touch right toe forward and fan right heel out(&), fan right heel in(5) &6 fan right heel out(&) , in(6) &7 fan right heel out(&), in(7) &8 fan both heels out(&), in(8) STEP, STEP, BEND DOWN, HEAD ROLL, PUSH/STEP, TOGETHER, TOE POINT, PUSH/STEP, STEP, STEP &1 step back on right(&), step left next to right(1) 2 bend down at waste making a counter clockwise circle with upper body(2) 3-4 roll head twice in clockwise motion(still bending)(3-4) 5 push right shoulder forward while stepping left to left side(5) & bring shoulders to center while stepping right next to left, taking weight onto right(&) 6 point left toe to left side(6) 7 push right shoulder forward stepping left to left(7) & bring right foot next to left foot placing weight on right foot while making a 1/4 turn right(&) 8 step forward on left(8) STEP 1/2 TURN, 1/2 TURN, 1/2 TURN, COASTER STEP, WALK R, L 1-2 step right foot forward(1), pivot 1/2 turn left(2), NOTE: KEEPING WEIGHT ON RIGHT! 3&4 make ½ turn left stepping forward on your left foot(3), make ½ turn left stepping right foot in place(&), step left foot in place(4) 5&6 step right foot back(5), step left foot slightly behind right(&), step right foot forward(6) 7-8 step left foot forward(7), step right foot forward(8), ROCK/PUSH, RECOVER, STEP, ROCK/PUSH, RECOVER, STEP, TOUCH, CROSS BEHIND, 1 1/4 UNWIND 1&2 rock forward on left pushing hips forward(1), recover back onto right(&), step left foot next to right pushing hips slightly back(2), 3&4 rock forward on right pushing hips forward(3), recover back onto left(&), step right foot next to left pushing hips slightly back(4) 5-8 touch left toe to left side(5), cross step ball of left behind right leg(6), unwind 1 1/4 turn to left(7-8) NOTE: You should now be facing wall 1/4 from your line of dance, and weight should transfer to your left foot by count 8. BEGIN AGAIN!**NOTE** When using the song "POP" by N'Sync you begin the dance from the beginning after count 40 on the second wall.