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Muh Bestest Friend

This is my page about FARTASS!!!

Ok folks, this little page here is about my best friend Didi(above, on the left, me on the right, Christmas 1998). I met her when I was in 7th grade and she was in 8th. We didn't exactly bond instantly cuz she hung out with this grrl I despised. But after we started talking we realized we were both secretly dorks, so we decided to be dorks together. Anyway, since then we've become so close that each of our parents just call us sisters.

We do a bunch of crazy shit together. Examples: 1) One time we were at my house and we were rolling down this hill thats in my front yard. We got a bunch of those burr things in our clothes so we just stripped down to our undies. 2) At Christmas we walked around with our boxers outside our pants and wearing crazy hats. Hers was "Captain Fish" (I'm sure you can imagine) and I was wearing a santa hat. 3) We took pictures on her back deck when it was raining and we were each wearing towels on our heads and goggles. 4) We moshed (just the two of us) in my driveway and then I ended up puncturing her boob with my spikey bracelet. 5) Me, her, and my EX-best friend Mike went down the hill in my back yard on a tobogan(with no snow). We were trying to go over a ramp like my brother did and ended up all flying off, rolling down the hill, and hitting a tree. 6) She had this soap that is flavored and you can mold stuff out of, so smart one that I am, I made a pipe. So we let it dry and then I tried to use it. The soap melted and I had lime flavor in my mouth for two days. 7) At my 16th birthday party she got there early so we decided to go down this really really big hill behind my house on the tobogan (not the same one as last time, but you would think we would have learned by now). So we're going down and we start to go really fast but part of the hill drops out so we get launched into the air then land on a rock and tip over. Then we both cut ourselves all up and got a bunch of shit in our clothes and i don't think we'll be doing that again too soon. Ok those are just a few examples of what lame-o's we are. If you hate us now I understand.

me and didi Valentines Day, 1999

me and didi 2/14/99 again

me and didi, Valentines again

me (right) and didi 8/98

A purdy picture of Didi 9/98

So anyway, none of you care about this so I'll just stop now. She's a rad grrlie, so check her out on icq @ 10665508.

