The Halliwell's Friends


Here is a look at friends/acquaintances of the Halliwells.

The Late Andy Trudeau
I feel like crying every time I think about Andy. Andy was Prue's friend growing up and boyfriend in the beginning of the season. They went through it all, but broke up for a couple reasons. One, Andy had an ex-wife he didn't tell Prue about. Two, Prue wouldn't tell Andy her secret, and had to suddenly cancel a date or leave a date with him and wouldn't explain to him why. Three, Prue put a truth spell on Andy to see how he would react to the news that Prue was a witch. Don't worry, the spell wore off after 24 hours, and only the Halliwell's would remember what had been said. Well, Prue told Andy and he said that he couldn't accept it because whenever he invisioned his future, he didn't see demons and/or warlocks. So, they broke up, but Andy didn't leaved the Halliwell's Charmed life. Andy worked at San Francisco Police Department and was always on the "freaky" cases that involved the supernatural and therefore Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. Andy always looked for a logical answer in his unusual cases, but they always became unsolved. It frustrated Andy to no end that Prue couldn't share her secret him, and why she kept popping up and being involved in these unsolved mysteries. Finally in the episode Blind Sided Prue was forced to use her powers in front of Andy in order to save his life. His suspicions had finally been put to rest. After a while Andy came out of his shock and came to Prue for guidence and help on his cases. Andy's partner, Morris, started to be worried, since Andy kepting getting anonymous tips and getting freaky himself. A wall was forming between the partners. Internal affiars got suspicious, too, and had long talks with both Morris and Andy. Andy wouldn't let any info out about Prue. Then, he just turned in his badge. Little did Andy, or anyone else, know one of the internal affairs officers was a warlock trying to kill Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. This warlock had an assitant demon who could set them in a time loop, so that he could keep doing the day over until he killed all of the sisters. Luckly, Phoebe could tell that they were in a time loop because of her power. Andy really wanted to help the sisters defeat him, but Prue told him not to come in the house because Phoebe had a preminition of him dying. This was one premontion they couldn't change. On the third day that they day started over Andy went into the house to hlp the sisters. The warlock killed him. Prue had been knocked out and met Andy in a dream. Andy told her that this was his destiny, and not to try and change it. Prue obeyed him. Though he is dead, on Charmed, even the dead come back for a visit sometimes, so we will probably see Andy again.
TW King
Andy Trudeau is played by Theodore William King. TW was born October 1, 1965.
Filmography and descriptions
The City (1995-1997) (TV Show)-TW played Danny Roberts
The X-Files (1998)-TW played an FBI Agent
Charmed (1998-Present) (TV Show)-TW plays, of coarse, Andy Trudeau. I think we all know about Charmed.

Daryll Morris was Andy's partner. Morris was always the logical one. He would never let Andy talk him into believing anything less than normal. When Andy died, he still had cases that were unsolved. Andy told him that the Halliwells were part of all the cases, but they helped to solve them. So, Morris came to the sisters for help with cases. He told them he didn't want to know what their secret was, but in Ms. Hellfire they had to tell him the truth. He freaked out, but tried to hide it. He had learned more than he wanted to. Now that he knows he is more confused than ever, but still comes to the sisters for help.
Dorian Gregory
Dorian Gregory plays Morris.
Baywatch Nights(1995-1997) (TV Series)-Dorian played Tieg.
Just Write (1997)-Dorian played the Valet at Mansion Party
Charmed(1998-Present)(TV Show)-Dorian plays Morris.

Leo Wyatt
Leo is a good friend of the sisters, especially Piper. He is her husband! When they all frist became witches and were living in the manor they needed a handy-man. The manor was falling apart. So, they called Leo. Phoebe and Piper had a fight over who would get him, as in date him. Piper finally won out. But Leo had a secret. At first only Phoebe knew. He was over fixing a light and Phoebe found him floating next to the light fixing it. Warlock! she thought. But as Leo explained he is a whitliter. A what? Well, whiteliter's are like guardian angels for witches. They watch over them and help them out. He has the power to heal, upon other powers. Whiteliters were not supposed to fall in love with witches, but whoops. He didn't want to tell Piper, but she found out in Love Hurts when Leo came for help after being shot by a deadly arrow with poison by a darkliter. Piper helped him. He told her that he had been in World War 2, but got shot. The higher whiteliter people came and offered him the chance to be a whitliter. He accepted and is where he is now. Leo and Piper tried to work out problems they had, and even got married (and divorced) in the future (Morality Bites). But they broke up. Piper moved on to neighbor Dan. In Awakened Piper was near death but Leo saved her. This was forbidden by the higher whiteliters. He got kind of suspened and is temporarily mortal. He vowed to fight to get Piper back. He worked with Piper at Quake and lives there. In Give Me a Sign Piper told Leo that she chose him over Dan. In Be Careful What You Witch For Leo took Piper "up there" a earth month and a heaven day later he returned her. Apparently time works differently up there! As it turns out, the elders forbid Piper and Leo from being together. They tried to elope in Magic Hour but the elders found out and orbed Leo out at the last minute. They kept Piper apart from Leo until Once Upon a Time when they decided Piper and Leo deserved to be together. In Just Harried Grams wed the lovebirds in a handfasting. They are now happily married.
Brian Krause
Brian Krause plays Leo.
Filmography and description-
Return to the Blue Lagoon (1991)- Brian played Richard.
"Earth Angel" (TV Movie) (1991)-Brian played Mike.
December (1991)-Brian played Tim Mitchell.
An American Summer (1991)
Sleepwalker (1992)-
Brian played Charles Brady, who was a demon type person, who lived with his mom, and they eat humans. Charles met a girl, who he tried to kill, but she hurt him, by using a cat, which he was afraid of. Charles got sick, and his psyco demon mom helped him.
Liar's Club (1993)- Brian played Pat.
"Danielle Steel's 'Family Album'" (TV Movie) (1994)
Greg "Bandit" movie series (TV Movies) (1994)-
Brian played Lynn in this set of movies about the speedy bandit. In Bandit: Bandit Bandit and Lynn had someone steal Lynn's dad's precious prototype car, which they were supposed to take care of. They work together to get it back. In the other movie Bandit, with the help of Lynn, hep to save his uncle's carnival.
Naked Souls (1995)-Brian played Edward.
Within the Rock (1996)-Brian played Luke Harrison.
"Another World" (TV series) (1997 - 1998)-Brian played Matt Cory.
Charmed (1998-Present) (TV series)-Brian pays Leo Wyatt, a whiteliter.
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Dan Gordon

Dan Gordon moved into the house next to the manor in the first episode of the second season, Witch Trial. He moved in with his niece, Jenny, who's parents were in Saudi Arabia. Five episodes later Piper initiallized a relationship with this ex-pro baseball player (he played for the Seattle Mariners). Just as soon as they fell in love Piper had doubts and considered going back with Leo. After a long heartbreaking desicion Piper chose Leo in Murphy's Luck. Dan faded out of her life for the most part but he still lingered around. Piper wanted him to move on with his life. In Be Careful What You Witch For, a genie granted her wish and Dan turned very old. Piper was forced to finally reveal her secret. Dan rejected it. Piper was granted another wish, was to erase it all from his memory. Dan got a job and moved and there has been no word of him since.

Greg Vaughn
Greg Vaughn played Dan. He is a model who has only had a few acting gigs, including a few episodes of Beverly Hills, 90210.

Jenny Gordon

Jenny Gordon was a troublesome teen who moved in next to the Halliwell's with her uncle Dan. In her very first scene she came running into the Halliwell manor, crying, begging to use her phones. While her parents were in Saudi Arabia she was stuck living with her uncle. Phoebe soon learned that she was calling her mom because Dan got her pads, instead of tampons. Jenny's appearences on the show were few and far between but she was definetly playing the teen! She moved back with her parents in Ms. Hellfire.

Karis Paige Bryant
Karis Paige Bryant plays Jenny.

Cole Turner
In the first episode of the third season, Honeymoon's Over, Prue and Phoebe had to go on trial to convict a murderer. Unfortunately, the killer was using a demon to kill. Cole Turner was the DA for the case, working with the sisters. As it turned out, everyone besides Cole on the case was in league with these Guardian demons. Cole ended up vanquishing the judge, the head demon. This lead the viewers to assume that he was a good guy. This was only partly true. In Magic Hour we learned that Cole was really the infamous Belthazhar demon, who the Triad had hired to assassinate the sisters. Meanwhile, Phoebe was falling hard for Cole. She had no idea of his evil secret. But soon even Cole was forgetting and also falling in love. He couldn't kill her. The Triad in turn went to kill him. Instead he killed the Triad. Phoebe was more important to him than evil. But in Sleuthing With the Enemy the truth was uncovered and Phoebe was ready to vanquish. At the last second she couldn't do it and faked Cole's death. She didn't tell her sisters the truth until Wrestling With Demons, when it finally came out. Meanwhile Cole was dodging bounty hunting demons. There was a large price on his head assigned by the Source himself. When Cole returned to Phoebe she wasn't open to him as he had hoped. Her sisters convinced her that he was stil evil, first and foremost. After a few episodes she finally let him back in her heart in The Good, The Bad and The Cursed. From there on it was a bumpy ride. Finally, in The Demon Who Came in From the Cold, Cole was put under a spell to turn evil. He killed a witch and betrayed Phoebe. The last episodes were a rollercoaster of emotions for the two, trying to make things work out. In the third season finale, Phoebe went down to Hell to make Cole completely good again. He knew, though, that things could never work out for them. Phoebe now has a pact with the Source to stay in Hell and no one knows what will happen to the lovers.
Julian McMahon
Cole Turner is played by Julian McMahon.


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