Charmed Quotes

Here are some memorable quotes from Charmed.

Thanks for not Morphing

Neighbor- You know, sisters.
Prue- Tell me about it...(looks at Phoebe and Piper)

Prue-Ok, I came, I saw, I was perky. Now I just want my head on a pillow.

Prue-We could rely on our vicious guard cat to protect us, or we could remember to lock the door.
Phoebe-That is a really good idea, Prue. (She says as she locks Prue in the laundry room).

Victor to Phoebe-So, this is my little....Piper? (sigh) Phoebe.
Yeah, that's OK. People confuse us all the time.

Piper-Why? I mean after all this time? Why here? Why now?
Victor-Well, I heard the food here is pretty good, and it is dinner time.

Victor- I didn't come back earlier because I didn't want to disappoint you.
Prue- Too late.
Piper- I wonder where what's keeping that dessert...

Victor (at reseraunt)- Nice reflexes. Now let me get this straight. Piper, you freeze time. Prue, don't you move objects? And what's your special trick, Phoebe? Premonitions? Maybe we should talk about this elsewhere?

Piper-Does anyone want coffee?
Phoebe-I mean one day, I am a member of the Y generation, with my average hair and a thing for carbonated beverages. And the next, I'm a witch.
Piper-Dad, do you take cream or sugar with that?
Phoebe-I just read from the book, and wham, I'm Tabitha.

Piper-Wait, you're blaming Grams for why you diasappeared?? She loved us, she raised us!
We could have just talked about it like normal people.
Prue-We aren't normal.

Phoebe- Good morning, Phoebe? (no response)

Piper- Wait a second. First we had no dad, now we have two?

Leo- The problem isn't the manner, but the manner in which it is treated.

Dead Man Dating

Andy to Prue- I was no where near the neighborhood. Thought I'd stop by.

Piper- At least tell me you've managed to get Prue something other than your traditional birthday gift.
Phoebe-What's my traditional gift?
Piper-A card, three days late.

Mark-Thanks for helping me.
Piper-When you wouldn't leave my doorstep I didn't have much of a choice.

Piper-I panic, I put my hands up, and bad things tend to freeze.
Mark- For how long?
Piper- Not very-let's go.

Phoebe to Mr. Corey-But your going to die! Oh that didn't come out right.

Prue to Phoebe- You were trying to do something good. Now you are going to do something wonderful. I couldn't ask for a better birthday present.

Andy-Talking to yourself?
Yeah, it's an old habit. I do it all the time.
Andy- My mom used to call it an interesting conversation with an interesting person.

Phoebe to Prue-I saved that guy. And it was great, too. I mean, I knew doing it would be good for him, but I had no idea what a rush it would be for me. I felt so good, and not just about myself, but about everything. That even in my own little way I can make a difference. Can you believe this is me saying this??

Phoebe-Give to get, that is the secret to life.

Piper- I've never seen anyone die before
Prue- Jeremy.
Phoebe- Javna
Piper- I mean human.

Mark- Take it from me, Prue. Don't miss your birthday. Any of them. They are important.

Piper-Leave it to me to fall for a dead guy.
Phoebe-It's an improvement, at least he isn't a warlock.

Wedding From Hell

Prue- I can't be late today.
Piper-I know the feeling.

Piper-Don't touch those!

Prue to Phoebe-Oh my God you are pregnant. That is why you came back from New York, isn't it?

Piper-Wait! I've got buns in the oven.
Phoebe-You're not kidding.

Charles-Miss Piper Halliwell.
Phoebe-And her sister, chop liver.

Phoebe-Look, you don't know me. Hell, I barely know me...uh...ok.

Andy-Sorry the dead man on your your driveway is such an inconvience.
Morris-Welcome to the lifestyles of the rich and shameless.

Andy-I'll come back when you are alone.
Prue-No, it's OK, someone just put a sticky inventory tag on his...uh...on the...uh...
Andy- Artifact?

Prue- Did you see Piper?
Phoebe- Yes...I saw her legs...

Kirstyne-Mmmm...he looks good enough to eat.
Jade- Good idea.

Piper-You'll never greet your husband at the door with 'Hun, I think I froze the kids again'.
Prue-No, I just accidentally moved them to another zip code.
Phoebe-But I will see them, find them, and bring them home safely.

Fourth Sister

Phoebe to Leo-Oh, that's just Piper, she just has to be everyone's mom. Think of her as your mom, I know I do.

Piper to Phoebe-Nice outfit for 9:00 in the morning with no place to go.

Phoebe to Leo (Leo had milk mustache)- Got milk?

Piper-You were all over him with your breats all...whatever...
Phoebe- I didn't even have breasts back then
Piper- Phoebe, you've always had breasts.

Andy-It really doesn't matter which movie we pick, anyway. We will probably never get around to watching it.
Prue- Oh really? Pretty cocky.

Aviva to Phoebe (about Prue)-You didn't tell your bitch sister about this did you?

Leo-So, does Phoebe work here, too?
Piper- Phoebe? Work? No, no, no, no. She is probably at her gay and lesbian support group right now.

Aviva- Black, the color of my soul.

Leo-Just out of you and Aviva...well, Piper said...
Phoebe- Piper said what??
Leo-Oh, nothing...Phoebe to Leo (about Piper)-Well, whatever she said you should probably take it with a grain of salt, because somtimes her medication makes her say the strangest things. But don't worry, her shrinks are on it.

The Truth is Out There...and it Hurts

Phoebe- Beware of the Rath of Piper

Phoebe-Piper, we both know I only like Leo because you do.

Phoebe- Piper, what do you really think of your boss?
Piper- I think he is a self-centered jerk, who must have a very small penis.

Fourth Sister

Phoebe to Leo-Oh, that's just Piper, she just has to be everyone's mom. Think of her as your mom, I know I do.

Piper to Phoebe-Nice outfit for 9:00 in the morning with no place to go.

Phoebe to Leo (Leo had milk mustache)- Got milk?

Piper-You were all over him with your breats all...whatever...
Phoebe- I didn't even have breasts back then
Piper- Phoebe, you've always had breasts.

Andy-It really doesn't matter which movie we pick, anyway. We will probably never get around to watching it.
Prue- Oh really? Pretty cocky.

Aviva to Phoebe (about Prue)-You didn't tell your bitch sister about this did you?

Leo-So, does Phoebe work here, too?
Piper- Phoebe? Work? No, no, no, no. She is probably at her gay and lesbian support group right now.

Aviva- Black, the color of my soul.

Leo-Just out of you and Aviva...well, Piper said...
Phoebe- PIper said what??
Leo-Oh, nothing...Phoebe to Leo (about Piper)-Well, whatever she said you should probably take it with a grain of salt, because somtimes her medication makes her say the strangest things. But don't worry, her shrinks are on it.

The Witch is Back

Phoebe- Am I the only one in this family who has inhertited the take a chance gene?
Piper- Probably, because if I remember my biology correctly, it was connected to the I can't mind my own business gene!

Prue- We always knew our powers would grow
Phoebe- Yes, but somehow I thought I was gonna get to fly.

Matthew- Are you Arnold Halliwell?
Arnold- Yes, and you are you? Robin Hood?

Melinda- Do not rip the dress to fit me.
Phoebe-No, I'm not ripping the dress. It's called a zipper.

Melinda- What sheep has wool so soft?
Phoebe- A synthetic one.

Melinda-How do you keep your legs warm?
Prue- We drink coffee.

Wicca Envy

Phoebe-If you ran an employment agency wouldn't you want me?
Prue-Maybe, but I would definetely want my suit back.
Phoebe-No, this is part of your old wordrobe. I'm just recycling.
Prue-Well, the enviroment thanks you...
Phoebe- But take it off. I know. I know!

Piper-Don't say that, the minute someone says that everything goes south.
Phoebe-Unless you freeze him.

Leo-Good morning!
Phoebe-Yeah, we heard. Have a magical day!

Phoebe-Prue was right, which means I'm dating a warlock.
Piper-Been there, done that.

Piper-What the Hell was that?
Phoebe-I think that you just answered your own question.

Feats of Clay
Claire-And if we don't move 1.2 million dollars worth of inventory at the auction tomarrow, I'm shuting this place down.
Prue- Did you say tommarow?
Claire- Did I stutter?

Prue to Clay- Picked it up? Does that mean you bought it?

Prue to Phoebe- I can worry about my little sister, can't I?
Phoebe to Prue- Don't ever stop!

Doug to Phoebe- I don't believe I've had the pleasure.
Piper to Doug- I don't think you will!

The Wendigo

Piper-No problem for I bare the power of...1.

Ashley-Now my life is a lot less complicated. I'm only interested in sex. Does that surprise you?
Andy-No, I'm just wondering where you were when I was in college.

Prue-Oh...Ummm...Can you get up?
Piper-Back off! What do you think I cannot walk now?
Phoebe-Honey, we are just trying to help you.
Piper-Help? You can't even hold a job.
Prue- OK, now wait a minute Piper...
Piper- Save it. Do you always have to be in charge?!

From Fear to Eternity

Phoebe-I wish I had dreams like that.
Piper- Mom would have to knock before she came into your dreams.

Secrets and Guys

Henry- You must be Pippy.
Piper- Piper!

Piper- That is not a proper chef's uniform
Henry- It will be, I'm a trendsetter.

Is There a Woogie in the House?

Phoebe-They give me the jeebies.
Prue- Would that be the Phoebe jeebies?

Prue-I smell Book of Shadows. Did you do something?
Phoebe- I just saved Piper's ass. Where were you?
Piper- Phoebe
Phoebe- Prue is just pissy because she didn't get to play superman.

Piper- Don't worry, I got it. I'm the culinary packidirm

Phoebe-Welcome to the Halliwell manor. My name is Phoebe I will be your cruise director tonight.

Piper- Sabotage, I'm being sabotaged!

Piper- Somebody just kill me now and spare me the agony of clean up.
Phoebe-Ask and you shall recieve.

Josh- And people pay you to do this?
Piper- Phoebe could you please take Mr. CONGEIALITY out of here.

Which Prue is it Anyway?

Phoebe- I was just..uhh..
Piper- Opening up a can of whoop ass!

Black Sweater Prue- Phoebe, I'll have to call you back. I have to go yell at myself.

Blue Sweater Prue- I guess I shouldn't pet the help.

Piper- I'm not talking to that clone.

Phoebe- And to me for kicking some serious demon butt.

That '70's Episode

Big Prue- Piper!
Little Piper- Your name is Piper, too?

When Bad Warlocks Go Good

Piper to Josh-I have to go to work. I will be there all day, and all night.

Piper- Talk about falling for a guy.

Phoebe-Just out of curiosity, if you were a water shut off valve, where would you be?

Prue to Brandon-You can sleep in my room, and I'll sleep with Piper.
Prue-Because Phoebe kicks

Blind Sided

Prue- I feel like it should be cackling.

Prue-Great, just what we need, more toxic waste in our sewers.

The Power of 2

Prue to Phoebe-I mean you got time, right?

Phoebe-I'm not even married, and all ready I am a housewife.

Prue to Phoebe-Don't forget to buy tampons at the market.

Phoebe- Coincidence? I think not.

Andy-Just getting used to the ideas of demons and witches, I don't know if I am ready for ghosts too.
Phoebe-You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Phoebe-Well, it's the same story, one of us has to litterally die to vanquish the evil spirit. Any volunteers?

Phoebe-Great, where is Buffy when you need her?

Poebe-What happened? Is the ghost toast?

Love Hurts

Phoebe-How long have I been after you to find some new male blood? Preferably tan and buff.
Prue-With limited verbal skills.
Prue and Phoebe together-With no strings attached!

Leo-Being with Piper breaks the rules, but being without her breaks my heart.

Prue-It switched all of our powers?!
Phoebe-Supernatural freaky Friday.

Andy to Internal Affairs-Screw you!

Phoebe-Problems are for Monday morning.
Prue-All I can say is it's gonna be a hell of a Monday morning, but until then
(Phoebe and Prue toast there pinnaple drinks)

De Ja Vu All Over Again

Rodregis to Andy-Prue is a witch!
Andy-You wait here, I'll go warn the Wizard of Oz.

Piper-I thought I'd have to pull a Celine Dion and wear my dress backwards.

Piper-What am I supposed to say? That I'm a cach-strap, single, resteraunt manager who still lives in the same house I grew up in with my sisters?
Phoebe-And the cat, you can't forget the cat.

Andy- I can't do that.
Prue-Don't make me use my powers on you.

Phoebe-Prue, I am not nuts. OK, maybe a little bit but that is irrealevent here.

Rodregis-Bottom line, I know my partner was killed by a supernatural being. I think Prue Halliwell could help me find out who did it.
Andy-Oh really. Well, I'll get the commitioner to signal Batman. I'll get right on it.

Piper to Joanne-Look, I know I don't have teh flashy job, or the flashy ring, or the flashy desgner suit, but that doesn't make me any less than you or anybody else. And just because I may not have relized my dreams yet like you think you have it doesn't mean I won't find a way to do exactly that. And I'm damn sure I'll be doing it with my own nose, not one some discount doctor gave me!

Prue to Andy-I love you.
Andy-I love you, too.


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