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Thank You for Being a Friend

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Oh God, I'm full of questions about myself today. I thank you in advance for hearing my confusion and my concern. I ask for wisdom and clarity as I talk with you about what is on my mind and heart. Lord, I just want to talk out loud with you and ask you: Have I been living in the way you want me to live to fulfill the reason that I'm here? Have I been seeing the ways that you want me to aerve you and others? Have I done anything that defeats my calling myself a Christian? Have I been lazy or neglectful or passive in any way that would frustrate others and cause them diffuclty in their life? Have I been honest in my work, and given my full energy and dedication to my employer? Have I cheated my family in any way by bringing home my work eoither in my briefcase or on my mind? Have I been a peacemaker at home or work, or have I been more of a pain in the neck? Have I learned the fine art of rationalizing so well that I fail to see my faults and stagnation, stifling growth and change? Have I been rude to those I love rather than being loving? Lord, these are hard questions for me to ask. Help me to answer honestly, to hear your clear answers, and then to be open to your Holy Spirit's work in me.
In Jesus' name,

Theme: Yes We All Agree
Courtesy: Christian Midi-Praises

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