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Promises of Recovery

I have decided to create a webring called "Promises of Recovery" were all of us that have a recovery oriented homepage can come together in unity. Like in the 12 step programs are no rules, but there are some traditions and guidelines to follow. So I have a few:

1. Your site must be recovery oriented or you must be a recovering person.
2. No adult, racist, or site containing offensive contents will be added.
3. No Business site will be added. PRETTY SIMPLE HUH?

To add your site to the Promises of Recovery, fill out the following form. After submitting your information to the queue you will be given the HTML codes. COPY and PASTE this code to your HOMEPAGE. A copy of your code will also be sent to you via email. You can edit your site information at any given time by simply typing your I.D# and password in the provided fields at the bottom of this page.

Before your site is added to ring, Email me at growing_spiritually@ letting me know you have set up your page. Once this is done, someone in charge will add you to the ring. (IMPORTANT) None of the links will work untill your site is actually added to the ring. This process could take up to 24 hours. Please be patient.

This Promises of Recovery site owned by Tony.
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Submit site to Promises of Recovery
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

