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About Me

Just some pics of me. Click to enlarge.My name is Rogue Senny, or at least that is my alias. I don't like to give out my real name to people I don't know. Security reasons. I'm sure you understand.

I was born in Russia, then moved here when I was 11 years old. Was a pretty weird transition, but I'm all Americanized now.

Right now I'm enrolled in San Jose State University. It's a cool place, I guess. My major is Art with a concentration in Graphic Design, but I'm thinking of switching over to Digital Media. I think it's more appropriate for what I want to do - design games.

I live with my mom, step-dad, and little brother. I have a hamster named Minty. He/she (don't ask) just sleeps a lot. It's a Russian Dwarf, by the way. My boyfriend and his friend have asked me to move in with them, but due to a family emergency (I don't like talking about it), I have to wait until the end of the semester to think about that.

My hobbies are drawing and playing video games, obviously. I love all the FINAL FANTASY series. I'm one of those crazed Squaresoft fanatics that would give a 10/10 to even a dumb puzzle game if Hironobu Sakaguchi slapped his name on it. I mean, look, I have a friggin' MOG tattooed on my left shoulder! ... isn't he cute?

A pic from Once In A Blue Moon. I have NO clue who that is next to me... When it comes to music, I prefer Trance. Yet I am still a big TOOL / A PERFECT CIRCLE fan. Not a crazed fanatic, but I like their songs. But right now I'm going through my "going to clubs, listening to trance, partying all night" phase. I went to my first "rave" a few months ago. Cyberfest. It was the coolest thing. I even got some bracelets off of people. And no, I'm not a raver. I wish I could do the stuff they do with their hands, but I can't. Besides, my boyfriend thinks its stupid, and I wouldn't want my boyfriend to think that I'm stupid, now would I? Oh wait, he already does! ^_~ So right now my favourite DJ (and I use the term lightly because I would never consider him as just a lowly disc jockey) is Paul Oakenfold (I worship the ground you walk on, man!) Check him out, if you've never heard of him. And that godawful pic to the right is from a massive he performed at. I don't know who the person next to me is (I'm the grinning kandy kid in DARK blue, by the way), but I had soo much fun! Pic courtesy of I don't know how it got there...

And yeah, so I have this wonderful boyfriend with whom I've been with for two and a half years now. We've been through a lot together (and apart). He was in the MARINES for a while, but now he's back. Right in time before the war. Thank all the gods for that! He lives with his friend, and he's asked me to move in. I'm happy beyond all words. So once this semester is over, I'm gonna talk it over with my mum and see if it'll work.

PICS: Yeah, that's me. Those are the only horrible pics I had on my computer right now, and I'm too lazy to scan in any new ones. To tell you the truth, I don't care if you think I'm pretty or ugly. It's all the same to me. But anyway, the top one is at Grad Night, and the bottom one is a pic of my little mog tattoo.

You know, I think that just might be it. I guess I'll add more stuff if any of the above ever changes.

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