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February 27, 2002

Well, I haven't updated in a while. Stupid namezero (the place that hosts decided to charge everyone for their pages. So... I had to pay $20. And you know what this $20 did? GET RID OF MY NAVBAR! F#$*$%ing $20 just to get rid of a damn nav bar. So anyway, do YOUR roommate eat your food often?

January 16, 2002

Yeah, okay, so life sucks. It's one of those times where no matter how hard you try to change some aspect of your life, there's just no way you can do it... Yeah, that's it. I don't even know what I'm writing. It's just one of those f**ked up moments, 'tis all; when all you want is for someone to hold you but you've got no friends so are forced to sit in your room all by yourself and cope with it all by yourself even though you've got a ring on your damn finger. Great, eh? Oh, you don't wanna listen to my problems. Will probably scare you away from this site forever. But you know what the truly scary thing is? The fact that I crancked out two of the best-looking pictures I've drawn in a long time... God, I wish I had a computer. I'd at least have this site to keep the demons at bay.

December 13, 2001

I moved in with my boyfriend about two weeks ago. Haven't had access to the computer because neither of us has one, and I don't really wanna nag our other room mate to let me use the computer. So because of that, my productions have been halted for a while. Hopefully not too long. I'm finally trying to save up some money to go and buy myself a computer, but that's gonna be about another month or so. I'm really sorry and apologise to everyone who's been waiting for their character for more than a week. Sorry. :(

November 28, 2001

I added a "workload" page to my Create A Character page, so that people would know how long it'll take to have their character done. That's mostly because I got 4 different submissions in 2 days! I'm so happy!

November 8, 2001

This time I added a "create my banner" page, and will be adding "create my mascot" one as well. Also, I got a request from Gauphastus to create a character. The pic's done, and I think he's satisfied. I also updated the Aurora version (2.6 now). The bugs are mostly out, I hope.

November 8, 2001

Okay, I majorly updated the site. I added an rm2k site where you can download some of my files. I also added a "reviews" page and an "about me" page. Do feel free to check them out!

November 7, 2001

I finally finished Aurora. It's still very buggy, and I've been trying to get Mike to test play it for me. But it's finally done. Now all I have to do is work on my new game. I've also found this really neat site with some weird posts on its message board that I enjoy going to every day. Other than that, everything's been peaceful. Okay, I lie. The drugstore switched my birth control perscription, so I've been going off the walls with raging hormones. I swear, I'm like a pregnant woman, crying about everything. It sucks. But I think I'm finally getting used to them.

September 21, 2001

Yeah, I know. I missed a lot of days here. But what the hell, no one ever reads this stuff anyway, right? No, I'm not being a bitch. Just have a small depression problem ("Depression Not Otherwise Specified"), 'its all. But don't get me wrong, this isn't imparing my ability to draw. In fact, I think this is actually helping me, as f--ked up as that is. So if you still want something for you story or page, now's the best time to ask. Not only will you get one of my better works, but you'll probably help me get out of this god-awful mood!

August 20, 2001

Well, after being grounded for two weeks due to my own stupidity (can you believe this? I'm 18 and I still get grounded!), I am finally back in action! Or... whatever it way be. Certainly not action, now that I think about it... The only requests I got so far are all from friends. Dammit.

August 3, 2001

Well, I got my yearbook page as done as I'm gonna get it, and I actually got my first Character Designz customer's picture done. See it here if you'd like. So far so good! Also, I got a new picture of Lilea put up on my welcome page! Oh, and happy Independece Day!

July 3, 2001

I finally got a customer! Granted it was one of my friends and not anyone new, but hey, at least I'm getting experience with this stuff! I haven't put up the picture yet, but the good news is that it took me only a total of four hours to complete it.This means *real* customers won't have to wait a whole week, like it says on the forms!

July 2, 2001

People suck. I haven't gotten even one entry thingy yet. How crappy is that?! Man... Maybe I just didn't advertise enough or something. Hum... It's just that I don't really wanna pay MONEY to advertise or anything, so... ::pout:: Ya'll suck.

June 6, 2001

No "customers" yet. But I guess that's a good thing. It's Finals week at my school, and even thought I don't have to take them, I'm still swamped with all this graduation nonsence. On top of it all, my boyfriend left for the Marines on Monday. I'm devastated. So, all you people out there, cheer me up by sending in character forms!!!

May 23, 2001

Well, this is my first entry here. Welcome all who have not been here before! My webpage creation tool is currently down, so I'm doing this purely from my feebly tiny HTML knowledge. So, I apologise if the pages don't quite measure up to your expectations. I advertised my page on, but so far no one's requested their character to be made for them... I was really looking forward to this, too.

Home | Image Gallery | Graduated | Newsletter | Policy | Mascot | Aurora | Etrion Empire

"The more you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets."