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I have a small - okay, HUGE - announcement to make!
I'm engaged!

The wedding date has been set.

*May 26, 2003*

Irina  M. and Mike B.

Well, his name is Mike. He's very handsome, sexy, smart, and pretty much perfect. Well, don't get me wrong, he's human, he's got his faults and flaws, but they all make him into this great guy that pretty much fits my whole "Prince Charming" ideal that I had in my head. Or maybe I based the ideal around him, but either way, he's great.

Okay, you want to know how it happened, don't you? Well, it was December 24, 2001, around 2 a.m. in the morning. I just got back from work. He was up, and wanted me to open a huge box sitting on the kitchen table that was my present. I was kind of reluctant because it wasn't really Christmas Eve or Christmas Day or anything, but after he made me some dinner and we sat around for a while, I agreed to open it. We sat in the little den we have in our roommates' house, where the tree is. I sat on the couch, and he kneeled in front of me. I thought he was doing it just so that he could be a bit below me, and see the reaction I had on my face better for whatever present that it was he got me.

So, I start trying to open this huge box. It was taped up pretty well, because that was his signature deal, taping up boxes so others can't open them early. But I finally got into it. Inside all the wrapping paper with snowmen on it, was a medium-sized tan bear with a little green sweater on. I pull him out, and notice that there's something inside his sweater, namely a bow. There's also a golden bracelet on his wrist. A little string is attached to that, so I follow the string into the sweater and to the box. I pull out the little velvet blue box. It's not really that little, actually. It's decent-sized. So I think it's like an pendant or earrings or something, because that's what he's gotten me the last two Christmases that we were together.

So I open the box. Attached to the string, out falls a diamond ring. It's beautiful. Has a 1/2 karat diamond in the middle, with two little diamonds on each side. Very beautiful. I'll get a pic as soon as I can. So as my mind races to figure out what the heck is going on, Mike asks me, "Will you marry me?" So of course because I can even register what is happening, I start bawling like an idiot. With a million tears of joy rushing down my cheeks, I give him a hug, nodding vigorously. It's funny, I've had so many fantasies of how he'd do it and what I'd say when I was riding the light rail or daydreaming in class. And now I was truly speechless. I think I managed to utter a squeeky "yes," I'm not sure. Everything is foggy in that hazy, light-headed, happiness-filled way.

So that's the story. I'm now engaged to the greates guy in the whole world. We set the wedding date about a year and a half from now, on May 26, 2003. It'll be our four year anniversary.

No one's made the cuts yet, but I already have a maid of honour in mind. I'm not going to say who it is yet, because we still have to sit down and discuss everything with the parents and such, and I don't know if she'd want to do it. We haven't really talked in a long time. And I don't know how big the guest list's going to be. The wedding will probably take place in a church, and we have to attend couples classes because that's the requirement, but what I'm trying to get at is that the guest list will probably be around 100 people. I don't think I'd want it bigger.

I guess that's about it. Just wanted to share my news with the world.

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